There was a mad rush from all the doctors as they shouted out orders like mad men and women! Once the helicopter landed, there was an immediate collective gasp as people all saw the wounded and broken Superhumans that were coming out from the helicopters!
The nurses immediately began to push the stretchers towards the copters to help them, and the doctors jumped on top of the stretchers to give the wounded superhumans first aid as they were pushed into the building!
There was a certain woman who took charge of the other doctors and was shouting out orders louder than anyone else to everyone in the vicinity!
“Anyone that is not wounded should immediately report to the blood clinic! We need superhumans’ blood for the operations! All doctors prepare for immediate action! We are not going home until we take care of everyone! All available residents will be in charge of administering first aid!”
The doctor and nurses were all listening to her orders and following whatever she said to the letter as they ran around the rooftop to make sure that everyone was being taken care of!
This woman is known as the MIRACLE HEALER by everyone in America. She is one of the strongest noncombatant superhumans, and her powers focus on healing and regeneration. Her name is Jeanne; she is a short woman with wide hips and moderately sized breasts that pushed against her tight white shirt with gusto.
She wore a short black skirt with black leggings that hugged her legs generously, and she had a long white coat worn on top of it all with a stethoscope across her shoulders.
“Madam Jeanne! He’s dying! I don’t think he can make it to the operating room! He needs immediate care!”
A female nurse ran up to Jeanne while drawing a stretcher behind her, and Jeanne clicked her tongue as she looked at the man on the stretcher. There was a large hole in his stomach, and he was already losing a lot of blood. At this rate, he would not even make it off the roof! Jeanne immediately took off her gloves!
“Do you know who I am? You know what I can do?”
She spoke to the man loudly as she looked him in the eye, and the man grimaced in pain as she placed her hand on his wound! The man looked into her eyes, and he nodded once!
“Then you agree to the condition?”
The man nodded again, and a black light shone over Jeanne’s hand as she activated her blessing!
Jeanne was an B-ranked Superhuman blessed by the God of death, Thanatos. She had the ability to locate injuries and heal them. But there was a condition added in by Thanatos. Her power uses the life force of the user as fuel, and if she heals an injury, then it would take away some of the patient’s lifespan in exchange.
At first, Jeanne hated her ability. She was already a doctor before she became a superhuman, and she always wanted to help people, so it was difficult for her to accept that she would be shortening her patient’s lives in exchange for healing their injuries. But after the Armageddon attack happened, and Jeanne watched KING fight off a monster that was beyond anyone’s imagination, her mindset changed.
In a world where a single blow from an Anima could give anyone a life-threatening injury, Jeanne’s ability was the perfect solution needed by the superhumans.
Who cares if one year of my life is taken away? So long as I get to live for a few more years, then I will gladly give it up.
This is the common response given whenever Jeanne tells patients that she is about to heal about her ability. None of them cared if she took away some of their life, so long as she healed them and they could wake up the next day, that was good enough for them.
Jeanne joined the NSA one year after the Armageddon. She always told everyone that she did it because it had a lot more benefits than the guilds, but the real reason why she did it was that she wanted to help people like KING did, and she would not be able to help anyone if she was being held down by a guild.
KING has been her role model since he fought against the Armageddon, and she was one of his biggest fans even now! She looked up to his selfless act of fighting for everyone in the world without expecting anything in return.
Guilds are very greedy, and Jeanne knew that if she joined any of the guilds, then they would only allow her to heal people from the guild. That is not the sort of medic that she wanted to be. She wanted the freedom to heal anyone she wanted at any time, and the NSA promised to give her that freedom so she joined them.
The wound on the man’s stomach immediately began to close up as his blood vessels fused together and his organs repaired themselves. Jeanne made sure that she focused on his most life-threatening injuries so that he would no longer be in immediate danger before she took her hand off him quickly and put her glove back on.
“That should be enough to keep him alive till he can get into the operating room. Just don’t put too much tension on that side of the body. Your wounds are still tender, and there is still a hole in your body, but you will live.”
Jeanne looked down at the man with a small smile as she said this, and a single tear fell from the man’s eye as he grit his teeth and nodded in gratitude. He didn’t think that he would make it out of that hell alive, and it was only because of Jeanne that he would live so he was eternally grateful to her!
The man shouted tearfully as he was rolled away!
“Thank you! Thank you so much!!”
That was not one of the military helicopters that the NSA uses, so it could only be the helicopter belonging to that new superhuman GHOST. Jeanne already watched the recording of the fight between GHOST and the calamity that attacked the city, and she couldn’t deny that she was impressed by his power.
He didn’t have any flashy elemental or magic-based power, but he was still able to defeat the Anima with nothing but brute strength alone.
It reminded her too much of what KING was capable of doing, and she couldn’t help but compare the two brawlers whenever she watched GHOST fight.
But even though their fighting styles were similar, Jeanne believed that GHOST was nothing like KING.
Jeanne was one of the lucky few who got to get a good look at the fight between KING and the Armageddon four years ago and walk away with her life. She was in one of the hospital buildings just two blocks away from the region that KING and the Armageddon crashed through on their rampage across the city, and all she could say was that GHOST did not have the raw, unbelievable strength that KING had.
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