Chapter 73: What The Hell Did I just Watch?

[Beginning Fake Transmission.]

The first thing that Pat did was to piggyback off the service transmission again, and this time he added a video transmission of the most recent episode of Jujutsu Kaisen. His video began to cause a destructive interference with the system and Pat moved his focus to the module while the NSA was distracted with trying to get their service up again.

Pat broke through the outer shell of the firewall and navigated his way to the central processing system of the module. He got into the system and planted a single file in there. The system had a seventh-generation firewall protecting it, and this firewall was self-regenerating. So if Pat tried to just brute force his way in, he would only meet more resistance.

Instead of trying to brute force his way in with only one system, he was going to use a million nanosystems.

The file that Pat added to the CPU immediately began to multiply itself at an astounding rate. It is a virus that Pat created himself just for the fun of it called DupliKate. This virus was relentless in copying and duplicating itself.

Every copy that it creates is ten times larger than the previous copy, and no matter what sort of method you try to use to make it go down, it will constantly copy itself until it fills up your storage and tears your CPU to shreds.

Once Pat was sure that the firewall was focused on trying to kill DupliKate, he immediately went to work on charging through the blind holes that the firewall left. Pat created backdoor after backdoor. He used rogue IPs and even some real ones that he created and stored within the system, but at every turn, the firewall was there to tear down the backdoor before it could complete itself.

Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack!

Clack! Clack!

A roguish smile appeared on Pat’s face as he typed furiously on his keyboard as the battle with the firewall raged on! But as time went on, there was an obvious lag in the firewall’s response time as it became oversaturated with both the DupliKate file and the constant barrage of attacks from Pat.

Pat yelled in victory as he managed to create a backdoor and enter the system before the Firewall could do anything about it!

“Ha! Up yours, NASA!!”

Pat immediately navigated his way towards where the transmission file was being sent through, and he took down the encoded file being transmitted and added in a new encoding of his own. This new transmission did not have anything from the cave from where Meta fought against the QUEEN up until Mark saved Arit. The only parts it had were from when Greg met Mark and Arit in the cave.

“That should do it. With the files corrupted, they won’t be able to access any of the videos from Meta’s transmitter. Only the videos from before and after should be available. If I take out anymore, they’ll suspect that someone tampered with the video and things could become complicated. It’s best to just allow them to think this is a rogue attack on their servers for now.”

Pat quickly took care of the files that he needed to and walked backward through the system as he got rid of his traces. Since he didn’t do anything to any of the transmitters other than the one from Meta, he was sure that the NSA wouldn’t suspect a thing.

He ran out through the back door that he created and tossed a new file into the system that would take care of the DupliKate virus and erase any traces of its involvement in this break-in.

Pat was very cautious when dealing with any government-owned network because he didn’t want to ever have a run-in with the government in his life! What was he going to do if they tried to take him to jail? He wouldn’t survive a single day in prison, so he would become a fugitive who runs from the law for the rest of his life if a time like that ever came.

Once Pat was out of the system, he reached down to the side and grabbed a flash drive that he slotted into his CPU. He took it out and put it on the table in front of him before using a hammer on it!




“That should do it.”

That flash drive was the virtual system that Pat used to carry out the piggybacking and IP threading that helped him to enter the system. It would be impossible for them to track him down using the flash drive since he was routed through various countries before entering the system, but it never hurts to be too careful.

Breaking the flash drive would prevent anyone from ever plugging it into a system and reactivating it. That way, there will never be a chance that the virtual system will come online again for them to track it down.

Once he was sure that everything was well disconnected and he didn’t see any possibility that he would be traced, Pat finally sighed and leaned back with a frown of confusion on his face,

“Now… what the hell did I just watch?”


The sound of helicopters arriving at the NSA headquarters resounded all across the region as they came closer to the building. There were doctors and nurses in lab coats rushing out from the building with stretchers and first aid kits as they ran toward the landing pad!

“Hurry up! Get the ICU open and make sure there is enough space in the hallways!”

“Treat anybody with an intensive injury first! I don’t want to see a drop of blood falling on the damn floor! Get them bandaged up and close every wound!”

“Make sure you sanitize all the lacerations and take all possible amputees to the waiting room! We’ll send the bone doctor to them!”

The nurse quickly pulled the man through the door and took him away, and Jeanne sighed as she looked down at her gloved hand. That small procedure just took two years from the man’s life. If she had gone any further, then it would have taken more than ten years. The more injuries she heals, the more of her patient’s life that she burns as a sacrifice to Thanatos.

Jeanne didn’t know if her blessing was really a blessing or if it was just a curse.

What sort of doctor shortens their patient’s lifespan in exchange for healing?


The sound of another helicopter began to echo through the sky, and Jeanne turned around and narrowed her eyes as she saw the new helicopter coming towards the landing pad from the horizon.

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