Mark activated [Lightning Surge], and a blast of lightning erupted from his gloves and raced through the anima’s entire body!
The anima roared in pain from the attack and a wave of anger grew from inside it. It tried to shake Mark off, but Mark held on tight, grabbing a hold of the anima’s skin. The anima’s body was rubbery and very strong, but Mark forced his fingers into its rubbery flesh and got a good grip so he wouldn’t fall off.
He pulled his other hand back, formed a claw, and in the next moment, he drove it into the anima’s eyes!
The anima screamed in pain as Mark’s hand dug deep into its eye, and its tentacles started to wriggle madly in the air.
Mark’s eyes widened in shock as he noticed what was happening, and he turned to the sky immediately to see the helicopter right above the anima! Those fucking idiots!
The helicopter news crew had been flying towards the anima to try and get a better shot. They were already about a hundred meters above the monster when they stopped. The newscaster in the helicopter smiled, seeing they were getting a good view of the anima, and started her usual commentary on the situation.
[It appears that Madam Lua has begun to create a perimeter around the anima! I think they’re doing this to keep other anima from getting involved in the fight while protecting the civilians! How thoughtful! But the anima isn’t stopping its erratic attack! It’s trying to stop Madam Luna from caging it in! Oh goodness, GHOST just launched himself towards the anima!
He’s going to protect Madam Luna! These two SOVEREIGNS have formed a perfect team to protect the entire island! Have we ever seen two SOVEREIGNS working in tandem as well as these two!? Wait… oh god…]
The reporter’s eyes widened in shock as she saw the anima suddenly raise all of its tentacles and start swinging them in the air erratically! Throughout the fight, the anima had never fully extended its tentacles, so none of them had properly gauged just how far its reach was. They all thought they were out of its range!
But when the anima raised its tentacles, they were stunned as it reached more than two hundred meters into the air! It was humongous!
The helicopter was suddenly flying in the middle of six large tentacles that were swinging around it like giant whips! The pilot started to swerve the aircraft around the tentacles, trying his best to keep it under control!
“Get us out of here! Get us out of here now! It’s going to kill us!”
The reporter didn’t even bother to cover her microphone as she started shouting at the pilot in fear! All over the world, people sat on the edge of their seats as they watched the intense scene, knowing this wasn’t going to end well! Parents started to cover the eyes of their children, and some people even turned off their television sets, convinced those reporters were going to die.
“I can’t get out of it! They’re everywhere! Just hold on! I’m going to try and fly to the pier, maybe we can land in the shallow water!”
The pilot did his best to swerve around the tentacles while shouting! He knew this was all that fucking woman’s fault, but at that moment, he didn’t give a shit about that! He was just trying his best to survive! But this was the last time he was ever going to listen to a woman when she told him to do something stupid!
The pilot swerved around a tentacle and had to swerve to the other side quickly as the same tentacle came back and almost hit them again! He moved forward, trying to get out of the swarm of snake-like tentacles and head toward the pier, but he wasn’t able to move out of the way of one of the tentacles that was moving very quickly. Before he knew it, it slammed into the propeller!
The top engine was blown off, and everyone in the helicopter screamed as another tentacle appeared from the side and slammed into the back of the helicopter, destroying the propeller there as well and sending the helicopter into a dead drop!
Mark growled in anger as he saw what was happening! Mark knew this was all their fucking fault, but he wasn’t going to just let them die like that! He wasn’t that petty!
“Luna! I need a platform!”
Mark shouted out to Luna and pointed to a space in front of him. Luna immediately understood what Mark was saying, and she let go of the wall she was creating for a moment and focused on the spot Mark had pointed to. Mark blasted off the anima’s body and made an arc in the air as he started to drop, only for his leg to slam into an ice platform that Luna created from the air’s moisture.
He used it as leverage to launch himself towards the helicopter!
The ice platform broke under the intensity of Mark’s movement, but that didn’t matter as Mark was able to use the momentum to move towards the spot where he knew the helicopter would be at the exact moment he reached it! Mark arrived just as the helicopter was falling through, and he reached out and caught hold of the helicopter’s landing gear!
The helicopter was dropping at a rate of twenty meters a second, and it was only three hundred meters above the ground. To get everyone out, Mark would have to move them all in fifteen seconds or less. Thankfully, Mark could do a lot in fifteen seconds!
Mark flipped himself up into the helicopter in one fluid movement! He grabbed the reporter and her cameraman in one hand, reached out to grab the pilot by his shirt, and dragged all three of them along as he blasted off the falling helicopter!
Mark’s leap accelerated the speed of the fall, and the helicopter slammed into the ground and exploded on impact! Mark landed a good distance away from the fight and dropped all three of them on top of a cargo container there. Once he dropped them, the pilot immediately doubled over and started to puke his guts out! The pilot couldn’t believe he was alive! He thought he was going to die there!
The female reporter looked up at Mark reverently! Her hair was completely disheveled, and she was breathing heavily, but she was a lot better off than the pilot. She couldn’t believe she was in the presence of a SOVEREIGN! This was the perfect opportunity for an interview! If she asked him for one, would he agree to say a few words!?
The cameraman seemed to be the only one still unaffected by everything that had happened. Somehow, the cameraman managed to save his camera as well, and he was now pointing it at Mark and capturing everything. Even if it was stupid, Mark had to admit that the man was dedicated to his craft.
“T-Thank you so much. I thought I was going to die.”
The pilot suddenly spoke up while cleaning his mouth of vomit. He turned to Mark and immediately stopped what he was about to say when he saw the angry look on Mark’s face.
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