Chapter 400 Reporting Live From The Scene Of The Anima AttackThis was something that put a lot of fear into the hearts of the people. The fact that an anima like this had been hiding in the ocean all this time and was coming out now meant that there could be even larger ones hiding in there! Ever since that calamity came from the ocean, there have been more and more anima appearing, and all of them have been exceptionally strong.
And now that an upper-rank Eldritch was showing itself like this, doesn’t that mean that there was a possibility that an Armageddon-class anima would soon show itself as well!?
The newscaster in the helicopter continued talking while leaning out of the helicopter to look at the anima.
[The octopus-based anima seems to have been injured by GHOST and Luna, but we don’t know the extent of the injuries from this distance. We are going to try to get you a better view now!]
The woman turned to the man flying the helicopter and told him to move closer, and the man shouted back that it wasn’t possible!
“Any closer than this and we might get into its range! That thing can take us out in a second!”
The man shouted at the woman loudly, and she growled at the back of her throat as she covered her mic with her cloth so that no one would hear her!
“I said take this fucking helicopter to that anima right now! My promotion is riding on this bit, and I’m going to give the performance of my fucking life! If I tell you that we need to get closer, then you get closer! If you don’t do what I say right now, I’m going to make sure you don’t get another job for the next ten years!”
The woman shouted loudly in anger, and the pilot frowned in irritation as he felt torn on the inside! He didn’t want to go closer to the anima, but he also knew that disobeying the reporter would only end up with him jobless!
She was higher than him in the hierarchy of the media world and she had a lot of connections with other news channels, so if she wanted to, she could actually make it difficult for him to get a job just like she said!
The man turned to the side and looked down at the anima. They weren’t that close to it, and it wasn’t paying any attention to them at all. Maybe they could actually get a little closer. It wouldn’t be dangerous if they moved down a few meters and got a better look.
He would just do a quick flyby and allow them to get a better look, then he would get out of there once the anima looked like it was going to attack!
“Fine, I’ll get closer! But I can’t stay there for long, or else the anima is going to get us! I can’t risk my life for this fucking shit!”
The pilot was obviously not happy, and the cameraman suddenly spoke up to try and make the journalist get back to her senses.
“Madam Jane… M-Maybe we should stay back here. That anima looks very dangerous.”
The woman growled at the cameraman!
“Shut the fuck up, Henry! Unless you never want to become a journalist, then you better just hold the fucking camera and do as I fucking tell you! If you ever speak against me again you’re going to be a cameraman all your life! And you! You call yourself a man!? How can you be more scared than a woman!?
You’re going to go down and stay down for as long as I fucking want! GO!”
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Once she was done reprimanding the men, the reporter turned to the camera once more and started talking while ignoring the furious look that the pilot shot at her.
[The helicopter is going to move in close to try and give you all a better look at the fight going on below now. Stay tuned as we bring you all the action live! This is Jane Scarlette reporting!]
The helicopter panned to the side as the pilot started to maneuver around to make a quick swoop to the ground! Mark was watching the helicopter all this time and he already couldn’t believe that they were even there in the first place. Flying over a fight like this was like begging the Grim Reaper to come take you! But once Mark saw that helicopter panning to the side he almost lost his fucking mind!
These fools were going to do a fucking drive-by!?
Mark shook his head at the stupid display and decided that he didn’t care at all anymore! If they wanted to get themselves killed, then that wasn’t his problem! Mark spoke to Luna through his comms quickly.
“Luna, create a perimeter around us so that it can’t go any further towards the festival! There are some people trying to evacuate behind me and they’ll get caught up in the fight if the anima keeps moving! I’m going to go in and distract it from you.”
On the other side of the call, Luna glanced around at the large pier curiously while thinking about the best way to create the perimeter and it didn’t take long for her to realize what she had to do.
[Perimeter. Right, you got it. I’ll make an ice wall about a kilometer out from where we’re standing! I’ll need about three… no, two minutes to make it. Can you hold the anima off for that long?]
“No problem!”
Mark blasted off the container to go and confront the anima and Luna raised her hand in the air as she began to create the ice wall. The very atmosphere seemed to bend to her will as all the air around her began to grow cold.
She grabbed hold of all the moisture in the air around her and supplemented it with her mana before dragging water out from the ocean and forcing it into a circle that covered more than a kilometer in diameter around the anima!
An ice wall began to rise from the ground up and Mark released a small grunt as he saw the impressive feat. He didn’t get to see much of Luna’s abilities in that game of gods because of the penalties that were put on her, so this was the first time he was really seeing her go all out like this. He couldn’t help but be impressed!
The anima roared in anger as it saw what was happening and it began to swing its tentacles around angrily, destroying the ice wall faster than it was forming! Mark flipped in the air, dodging around one of the anima’s tentacles that was going to accidentally hit him as the anima swung it erratically and he pulled his fist back at the same moment that he reached the anima’s head!
[Critical Hit]!
[Sonic Impact: Lightning]!!!
Mark’s punch sent a massive shockwave through the air, causing the anima’s entire body to ripple like water as it tried to absorb the intense force! Mark latched onto the anima tightly and he immediately activated [Lightning Surge] and a blast of lightning came to life from Mark’s gloves before it raced through the anima’s entire body!
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