Chapter 156: There Was No Reasoning With These Mad PeopleArit hit him on the back when she heard what he said! Did he see school as that much of a burden that he was saying something like that!? He has to go to school whether he likes it or not!
“You better not do anything like running away in the middle of class! I don’t want to have to come look for you when the teacher is around!”
“When have I ever done something like that!?”
Arit’s mouth dropped open in disbelief!
“All the time! You do that all the time! I better not look for you, you hear me!?”
Mark just laughed again as he saw the school coming into view and he swerved his bike to the left to enter the school road. Mark slowed his bike down to avoid any accidents since there were a lot of students moving down and across the road, and Mark was finally able to get a good look at the effect that his presence was having on all the students in the school.
Their reaction was just as intense as Mark expected it to be. In fact, it was probably even more intense since he could see some of them running towards the road without caring about their well-being just so that they could get a better look at him!
Mark raised a brow in disbelief as one guy almost jumped in front of his bike and was about to be run over, but one of his friends managed to get him out of the way quickly enough to avoid any serious injuries, and Mark just shook his head as he continued going.
At least there wasn’t anyone chanting like –
“GHOST!! Oh my god, it’s GHOST! Mark! I’ve always loved you!”
“GHOST look over here! I’m one of your biggest fans!”
“Mark Vanitas! I want to have your babies!”
“It’s GHOST! I can’t believe that girl got to ride with GHOST! I want to be her!”
“I want to be his underwear!”
“I want him to step on me!” (A/N: the real MVP)
It was like the floodgates opened wide once the first person started, and everyone in the school compound immediately joined in on the chanting and shouting as they tried to get Mark’s attention.
Mark was grateful that he was riding his bike so they couldn’t get to him yet, but he knew that once he stopped moving, he was going to be swarmed by the students, and there was no way he would be able to get out of there without injuring someone. Humans are creatures of desire and emotion, and they won’t understand how dangerous what they are doing is until someone gets hurt.
The students were going to swarm nonstop no matter what Mark says.
Arit tightened her hold on Mark’s waist as one of the students shouted out that she was envious of Arit and Mark felt Arit bury her face into his back. He could feel some heat on his back from Arit’s face and Mark immediately knew that Arit was blushing. Was she shy!? That’s cute.
Arit was extremely embarrassed by how much attention they were getting, and she couldn’t even look up to stare at all the students as they gazed at them. Arit knew that things should be different now that people knew that Mark was a superhuman, but this… this was absurd! Didn’t they have anything better to do!?
Or is it so interesting to find out that Mark is a superhuman that they are willing to abandon their home training just to get his attention?
If Arit had asked any of the students that question, then they would have gladly said yes! They could use their home training at some other time! Right now, all that mattered to them was getting to Mark!
Mark moved towards the area where he would usually park his bike, and he sighed as he finally stopped and parked his bike. He quickly turned and spoke to Arit.
“Hold tight to me.”
Arit had no idea what Mark was planning, but she did not bother arguing. She quickly obeyed and wasted no time as she wrapped her hands around Mark’s neck. Mark carried Arit bridal style, and Arit’s eyes widened as she realized what he was about to do!
“Why the fuck are you crouching!? Wait… Marrrrrrrrrkk!”
Arit shouted in fear as Mark launched himself off the ground. She could feel the wind on her face, and she dared to peek one eye open and take a look at what was going on. Her eyes immediately widened in awe as she saw the bright blue sky right in front of her, it was so close!
Arit turned to Mark and she saw a small smile on his face as he literally flew through the air towards the school entrance. The wind was making his hair flutter around, and there was this shine in his eyes that Arit only saw whenever Mark was excited. Arit couldn’t help but blush, and she tightened her hold on Mark’s neck and put her chin on his shoulder.
She heard Mark chuckling deeply, and she had to join in the laughter! She couldn’t contain the excitement in her heart at that moment. It was absolutely beautiful up here!
“He’s going towards the entrance! Get the fuck out of my way! I’m going to meet him there!”
“GHOST! I just want your signature!”
“I want to touch his ass! Don’t get in my way!”
“I want your underwear!”
“Please step on me, GHOST!!”
Many of the more overzealous students immediately started to race after the flying Mark as they tried to get to the entrance before him. They didn’t want him to get into the building since they knew that the teachers would try their best to stop them from getting his signature, so they were trying their hardest to get his signature or anything else before he could get into the building.
Mark landed right in front of the school building, but he was not able to get very far before he was swarmed by the students who were already waiting for him in front of the building. It was as if the students were some sort of SWAT team trying to capture Mark. They were far too organized for this to be considered normal.
Mark quickly tried to reason with them. “Okay, let’s just try to calm down—”
“Oh my god, GHOST spoke to me!”
“His voice is so deep! My ovaries were literally trembling!”
“Oh gosh, Mark! I’ve always loved you!”
“Bro, just a signature! Just sign my school uniform!”
“GHOST, please! I want your babies!”
There was no reasoning with these mad people.
Mark was cut off before he could even get out a full sentence, and he felt Arit tighten her hold on his arm as she glared at some of the girls who were trying to come closer to Mark and touch him. Mark knew that Arit was very protective of him, so it might end badly if the students take this too far and make her lose control.
They just finished training her on how to control the QUEEN and Mark did not want a relapse to happen because of something this stupid.
Mark was about to speak up and tell everyone to fuck off, but another voice echoed through the area before he could speak and everyone immediately shut up as they recognized the voice. They all turned around to face the headmaster of the school.
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