Nature Academy was considered to be one of the most prestigious academies in city A. There wasn’t a single person in the school who you can call poor. Either they were from prominent families that had a high standing in the city, or they were from well-off families with enough money to sponsor them in the school.

That is why the students in the school were always seen as stoic and snobbish. They always acted as though they were better than other students, especially whenever they were among students from other schools in the same city. They spoke and moved in a haughty and dismissive way that would make anyone think that they were looking down on them.

But all of that prestige and pride were completely forgotten this morning! All the students of the school were enraptured and there wasn’t a single one of them that tried to keep up appearances as they went to school! The students of Nature Academy all stood in stunned silence without moving a muscle as they gazed at the boy riding a bike in the middle of the street.


Mark was on his Kawasaki ZX-4RR motorcycle as he weaved his way through traffic while making his way towards school. There was a big smile on his face as he completely ignored many of the road safety warnings around and went at a speed that was considered dangerous to use on commercial roads.

Arit was on the back of the motorcycle with her hand wrapped tightly around Mark’s back, and she knew that she should be reprimanding him for being this reckless while driving, but she also knew that it would be useless to reprimand him. Why would someone who can take on a calamity class be afraid of a simple road accident? That was stupid.

The only reason why Arit was always telling Mark to be careful while riding to school was that she thought that he could have an accident and injure himself by riding too fast. But now that she knows how strong he is and how dangerous his day-to-day life is, she was no longer worried about something like this.

Arit held on tighter to Mark and pressed her large breasts into Mark’s back, and Mark’s grin only grew as he increased his speed even more to get to school as quickly as possible. Every student that he passed on the street could only stop and stare in shock as he sped past them, and many of them realized who he was even though they could not see his face due to his speed.

There was only one person who drove a bike like that to school!

It was GHOST!

“Hurry up! Hurry up! We have to get to school now!”

“GHOST is going to school! What the hell are we still doing here!? Speed up!”

“Run! I want to see GHOST before classes start!”

“Shit! I knew I should have left the house earlier! I’m going to miss GHOST’s entrance!”

Everyone from Nature Academy was immediately trying to speed up their pace as they went to school so that they could get a good look at Mark as he entered the school. Even though they were members of high society, for them, seeing Mark was the same as seeing your favorite celebrity on the street and knowing exactly where they were going! Mark was a superhuman as well as a member of their own school!

The last time that they saw Mark, he was standing victorious over one of the strongest Anima that the city has ever seen, so he had been immortalized in their heads as some sort of demi-god! It is impossible for you to not want to hurry up so that you could get a better look!


Mark was not conscious of what was happening behind him because of how quickly he was moving. He wouldn’t have even cared if he had known anyway because he already expected something like this to happen. Mark did not regret revealing his identity to the world while fighting that Anima. It wasn’t as if he did it on purpose, so it didn’t matter to him.

But this was the exact reason why Mark did not want to reveal his identity before. He did not want this much attention from those around him.

Superhumans were all treated as superstars in this world and if Mark revealed his identity, then his peaceful student life would have become a lot less peaceful. How the hell was he going to skip class and play hooky when there were so many people trying desperately to get to him and looking for him everywhere!? It would be a nightmare!

He wouldn’t even be able to hide from Arit anymore because she will always find him by just following the noise! Mark knew that Arit was the only person who usually comes to look for him when he is playing hooky, so she is the only one that he had to hide from before, but now that everyone knew he was GHOST, he would have to start hiding from all the students in the school at the same time.

Mark sighed tiredly as he swerved around a car that was turning a corner in front of him.

Arit heard the sigh and she wondered what was wrong. She pressed Mark’s waist gently and asked him if he was alright and Mark just turned around with that roguish smile of his that never failed to make Arit blush.

“Wanna play hooky?”

Arit’s brow furrowed in confusion for a moment as she heard what Mark said before she immediately seethed in anger as she tightened her hold on him and her eyes turned yellow immediately!

“Mark! Don’t you dare! I’ll never forgive you if you do this!”

Arit knew that Mark was more than capable of it! She knew that if he wanted, he could simply turn the bike around and start going in a different direction on a whim! That was just the sort of person he was! If he tried it, then Arit would never forgive him! She would make sure that she doesn’t talk to him for at least a week if he makes her miss her first day back in school!

Mark just chuckled when he heard Arit shout at him. He knew that Arit would definitely forgive him, but she was not going to make it easy for him to apologize! She would probably pout and glare at him for hours every day until she eventually forgave him. But Mark wasn’t going to do something that cruel on her first day.

Mark knew just how much Arit wanted to go to school on that day, and it would be demonic of him to take that away from her. He would just have to put up with the stares and cheers from his schoolmates for some time for Arit to get what she wants.

Mark grinned as he spoke up.

“You have no idea the sacrifices I make for you!”

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