Chapter 3563 Pathway to the True Source of the Protagonist! IIChapter 3563 Pathway to the True Source of the Protagonist! II
The True Severed Protagonist had just come to fruition, and yet it was already making grandiose moves!
It initiated many things, and the end result was for Cheats and Plot to continue their severing as they surged toward their Final Severed State.
As this occurred.
Noah held the Piece of a Spoke of the Wheel with the Heart of the Megalos Ynnere at its base as he continued to communicate with it.
Its uses had shown themselves to be extremely potent against the Sources of entities- especially so against the Faceless Lifeforms!
It could Purify to a terrifying extent as its other major uses were traversal.
He could enter the Megalos Beyond and the Megalos Ynnere freely.
There was the the Megalos Nihilos.
The place filled with Anti-Matter!
The one state of matter he had not gotten into.
It seemed like a long time ago, but it had only been a matter of days when he theorized adding a source of Anti-Matter into the depths of his existence, but it did not work as he found that his weavings would become too unstable.
But that was then.
And this was now.
His complexity had gotten tremendously greater, and he even held the Pathway to the True Source of the Protagonist!
A Pathway that held True Severed Condition Infinitum and True Severed Adaptive Power of Existence!
With the Adaptive Power alone, he was confident in grasping the musings of Anti-Matter.
And now, there was also the Piece of a Spoke of the Wheel!
Noah held it tightly as he breathed flames into it while speaking out.
"The veil between Matter, Dark Matter, and Anti-Matter…let it all be broken here."
His weavings danced dangerously and with wild abandon as behind him, Ozymandias had shattered the Megalos Beyond with a punch to shatter the veil that Noah had already filled with the True Severed Singed Flame of Existence!
He was able to do this because he had a connection that very clearly observed this veil.
There was no such connection between him and Anti-Matter.
But he did have the Spoke!
And it would traverse through the veil freely as, at this moment; he pulled the access the Spoke had through this veil- putting his Severed Flames into it as its tip pointed into a blank space in the Megalos Beyond and began releasing seas of white gold flames that seemingly disappeared into nothingness!
But, they were entering another veil entirely.
At this moment, Noah foresaw a grandiose scene.
In this area he stood on where the Megalos Ynnere and Megalos Beyond already met.
The veil to the Megalos Nihilos would also be torn at the same place as all three would meet in one place!
Just like all three had to be incorporated into the Tzar Versepiercer.
Just like all three had to be incorporated within him!
His eyes burned with ambition as while they did so…
|The Severed Weavings of Plot and Cheats have attained their Final Severed State.|
|The Pathway leading to the True Source of Plot has opened.|
|The Pathway leading to the True Source of Cheats has opened.|
Tremendously heavy concepts born from the weavings of the Protagonist attained a Pathway that led to an undeniable True Source.
His Heart of Infinity beat heavily in anticipation.
As if two slumbering behemoths were waking up to stand side by side with a few others!
And just when one of them woke up…
|The Pathway to the True Source has finally attained weavings that can allow it to enact its grander picture.|
|The Pathway to the True Source of Plot calls upon the Pathways to the True Sources of the Singed, Megalos, Infinity, Outerversal, Protagonist, and Cheats to enact something it has always dreamed of!|
Within him, interminable weavings exploded as multiple Pathways to True Sources came together and supported a single one!
Many weavings fell under the banner of Plot for it to go utterly crazy.
|The Weavings of Limited Fictional Transcendence have begun to bloom within the depths of your complexity.|
|A brainchild of Plots and Cheats as they seek a more distinct and greater path that exceeds others around you, seeking to view the countless weavings of existence as layers upon layers of fables- stories and fictions of which you are a part.|
|When the weavings of existence can be viewed through this lens, it becomes possible to alter such weavings tremendously with very little effort.|
|By living between the boundary of what is fiction and what is real, you can exert an unfathomable amount of change against complex weavings that would otherwise not be conducive to any change.|
|For example.|
Noah's body pulsed as his weavings were going utterly nuts!
The advent of Plot and Cheats came with a brainchild of utter madness on their end as with the complexity of the Protagonist and others, they sought to do something grand!
|The Line between fiction and reality has been distorted.|
|There is no veil that separates Anti-Matter from Matter and Dark Matter- such a thing having crumbled long ago.|
Where Noah had the Piece of a Spoke of the Wheel pointed as he was filled an endlessly vast veil with the flames of the Singed.
The weavings of space shattered and crumpled entirely as it felt like a glass mirror was broken!
Embers of flames seethed as if the skies and land were cracked, leading to another place entirely!
White gray space bloomed on the other side.
Weavings of Nihilos began to seethe and spill out like a tide- an incandescent white brilliance beginning to spill out of the shattered space and delve into the current domain.
While this occurred, the space where Megalos Beyond and Ynnere had their veil torn also seethed with Matter and Dark Matter.
It meant that at this time.
All three states of Matter converged in one place and began to interact as the moment this occurred; existence began to buzz!
The moment the white sea of Anti-Matter tumbled in.
It was like pouring fire onto an already complex and stable mixture, a terrifying force of complexity beginning to build up as if everything would soon explode!
But at such a time, Noah felt like he was grasping a grandiose weaving as he called out himself.
"Limited Fictional Transcendence…"
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