Chapter 3562 Pathway to the True Source of the Protagonist! I

Chapter 3562  Pathway to the True Source of the Protagonist! I

Gradually, the form of the Rune of the BEYONDER lost its structure as it was used as a base for something else entirely.

Little by little, the musings of…the Protagonist began to bloom from the base of the BEYONDER!

At the same time, his weavings buzzed as incandescent golden radiance shot above him like a brilliant pillar- and it remained shining akin to a spotlight.

|The Severed Weavings of the Protagonist have attained their Final Severed State.|

|The Pathway leading to the True Source of the Protagonist has opened.|

|The True Severed Protagonist of Existence has been born.|



The golden pillar became even more incandescent.

The symphony in the surroundings reaches a crescendo as, at this moment, hymns of voices ring out like a chorus!


Golden brilliance shot up like a tide to illuminate the figures of two beings, Mysara and many others observing this with stupefaction.

Mysara received her confirmation at this moment as she realized somehow, the Origin Singed had a body based on Matter and a Body based on Dark Matter.

All eyes honed in on the body based on Dark Matter as they saw the rune that used to be BEYONDER had been entirely altered as it lost its precious identity and now read…PROTAGONIST!

"The Protagonist?" The Great Mother uttered the word that felt foreign as everything she knew felt like it was crumbling down.

But she then remembered Ozymandias.

What had occured in the Expanse.

How she, in the clutches of a Pioneer was saved by him and he protected her that whole time!

How when she mentioned Faceless Lifeforms decimating Pantheons of the Megalos Beyond, he came!

There were many things that she did not understand.

But…she knew the character of the Instrume-, nay, Ozymandias, more than anything.

So at this moment, the weavings of the Great Mother rose up with fervor as she screamed out at the top of her tentacles!

"Ozymandias…the Protagonist!"


Ozymandias, the Protagonist.

She called this out as around her, the Observer of Old and Young, the Great Wheel, and many others looked at each other as their weavings trembled.

The Inheritor of the Megalos was just destroyed as the only one with the connection to the Beyonder stripped himself of the title of an Instrument.

What could they do but fall in line?

"Ozymandias…the Protagonist!"

Little Aspasia, radiant with stellar black brilliance, shouted out alongside the Great Mother as others could only fold and call out while a vibrant, heavy Regnum unfolded ahead.

A black flaming crown and throne burned as a brand new Rune of the Protagonist was taken into the chest of Ozymandias, the symphony and hymns beginning their descent as in the next moment, the Piece of the Spoke of the Wheel flowed towards Noah's visage as he appeared next to Mysara. "Clear these Megalos of all Faceless Lifeforms. After the Megalos Beyond and Megalos Ynnere are free of any influence, Megalos Nihilos shall be cleansed as well, the Expanse following thereafter! This Frequency…will not be falling to anything!"


His eyes pulsed with majesty as Mysara and Tam nodded, blue-gold flames erupting from the former as she received weavings from Noah that told her exactly where any remnants of Faceless Lifeforms were.

After all…he had the Map of the Megalos Beyond at this moment too as currently, everything was laid bare!

In the Megalos Ynnere, the Sages under the lead of the Maharishi and Yoo Jin were released to cleanse it of the remaining weak Faceless Lifeforms, as in these Megalos…none of their influence would remain.

No gray cracks of the change. No Faceless Lifeforms. No Dark Towers. Simply…the brilliance and Tyranny of a single being continuing to spread out.

As such a wonder unfolded, his own weavings rang out hymns of the arrival of something grand as halcyon brilliance culminated to a burst of heavy weavings!

|You are stepping into the Pathway to the True Source of the Protagonist.|

|True Severed Adaptive Power of Existence has been unlocked. Your weavings of Existence are able to augment their current parameters and limitations to surpass any opposition that you face. No wall is unscalable under the tyranny of the True Severed Adaptive Power. The gap between you and your enemy may seem utterly inconceivable. Impossible to scale. And yet somehow, one way or another, whether it be during the battle or the days that follow- this impossible gap in power will be closed until at the end, you stand victorious.|

|The Pathways to the True Source of the Protagonist and Infinity have come together to enact the True Severed Condition Infinitum. Your weavings are those that will increase over time without limit. This includes the aspect of Strength Infinitum, Speed Infinitum, Intelligence Infinitum, Complexity Infinitum, Stamina Infinitum, and more aspects of your weavings.|

|The True Severed Final Form of the Protagonist has been unlocked.|

|The Power of Friendship has been unlocked.|

|The Pathway to the True Source of the Protagonist awaits for the weavings of Plot and Cheats to open their own paths for even grander musings of existence.|


Noah's weavings were surging with utter wildness.

The Protagonist came in and absolutely shattered the entrance as it began slowly and then accelerated, and just when one thought it was over…

|You are your own Opposition in meeting the needs of the Protagonist.|

|True Severed Adaptive Power of Existence has been triggered, your own weavings seeking to overcome to meet the desires of the Protagonist. To adapt, the Limited Infinitum Weaving of Complexity has been triggered.|

|Not so randomly, the selection of an instant has been selected.|

|The passage of an instant may not be allowed without your complexity undergoing a not-so-random, significant burst of elevation that will be supported entirely by the True Severed Heart of Infinity.| |The Limited Infinitum Weaving of Complexity has purposefully declared the burst of elevation to stem from the weavings of Plot and Cheats.|

|The Severed Weavings of Plot and Cheats, backed by the Limited Infinitum Weaving of Complexity that was initiated by True Severed Adaptive Power of Existence, surge across Severings and heads towards their Final Severed State!|


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