The Bee Dungeon
The Bee Dungeon
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A dungeon core novel. But with bees. A bee dungeon, if you will.
Oh, and something about a young man finding his place in the world and maybe learning about the deadly calamity that threatens all of humanity.
But mostly the bee thing. Collapse
6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 221: Bee Relieved
- The Story Continues on Amazon and Audible on 3/11/25!
- Schedule Update 1/26/2025
- Chapter 222: Bee-lieve in the Slime!
- Chapter 223: Metallur-Bee
- POBee 223.1 - The Path of Honey Bee-gins
- POBear 223.2 - A Bear-y Bee-utiful Garden
- Chapter 224: Bee-hold the Butcher
- Chapter 225: A Request Bee-queathed
- POBee 225.1 - Don't Fall Bee-hind
- Chapter 226: Bee-hold the Flowers
- Chapter 227: Bee-utiful Flowers
- Chapter 228: A Bee-ger Volunteer
- POBee 228.1 - Bee-ginning a New Empire?
- POBee 228.2 - Deception and Schemer-Bee
- Chapter 229: Bee Nice?
- POBee 229.1 - Bee-conomic Investments
- Chapter 230: A Trial of Bees
- Chapter 231: Collaborative Bee-cisions
- Chapter 232: The Bee-cision Maker
- POBee 232.1 - A New Tributar-Bee
- Chapter 233: A Bee-licious Breakfast
- Side Story 233.1 - Tur-Bee-lent Relationships
- Chapter 234: Bee-viding the Compact
- Chapter 235: Bee-ware the Pixie?