Chapter 77: Took You Long Enough.

Arit wondered if she should say something about the voice to Mark. She knew that he had already gone through a lot to help her, so he would want to know about the voice, but Arit shook her head internally as she decided not to say anything. Mark already did a lot for her and she didn’t want to burden him with something that might not be a big deal.

Arit could shut the voice up if it got too annoying, so she was sure that she could handle it.

Arit fell in line beside Mark and spoke up animatedly as she smiled up at him.

“I still can’t believe you are a superhuman!”

“After all this? You still can’t believe it?”

“It’s not even been ten hours since I found out! It’s still shocking! And I can’t believe you told Pat but you didn’t tell me!”

Mark grinned.

“I knew Pat before I knew you. He is one of the only friends I had for most of my life, so I trust him enough to tell him everything. And I know you don’t like superhumans, so I didn’t want to bring you into this world yet.”

Arit became a little gloomy once Mark said this as she remembered what happened to her and her parents a long time ago. She never hid her dislike for superhumans from Mark, so she could understand why he would not want to tell her about his powers! She didn’t hate superhumans, but the way she talked about them with a frown on her face would make anyone think that she hated them!

It must have been hard for Mark to hide his powers from her while listening to her tell him how much superhumans were all money-loving crooks!

Arit now understood why Mark was so hesitant to be with her all this while. He would always act like he really wanted to be with her but he couldn’t because he was just trying to protect her. She was the one who made it impossible for him to be with her because of her hatred for superhumans.

“Sorry, I suppose I’m the one at fault. I didn’t deserve to know. But, you know I like you far more than I dislike superhumans. If it was you, then I know you would’ve saved me that day.”

Mark hoisted Talia up so that her head rested on his shoulder and he grinned down at Arit kindly.

“You think I would’ve saved a whiny, snobbish, snot-nosed kid from being crushed under a building? Damn right, I would.”

Arit pouted once Mark said this and used her shoulder to push him playfully! Mark laughed at her and put one hand around her shoulder while his other hand held Talia. Mark leaned down and kissed Arit on top of her head, and Arit felt a heavy blush rising on her face as a giddy sensation filled her heart!

She tried her hardest to keep her annoyed pout in place but she couldn’t stop the smile that rose on her face as the pout disappeared! She quickly covered her face with one hand to try and hide her blush and Mark just laughed as they finally exited the building.

“Took you long enough.”

A voice suddenly spoke up once they exited the building, and Mark looked up to see a tall, slim teenager standing in front of the NSA building. He had red hair and red eyes that were covered by sunglasses. He wore a black suit that fit him perfectly and black shoes that shone in the moonlight.

He looked like he was dressed to go to a gala or some sort of evening candlelight dinner and Mark could only raise a brow in surprise as he looked the newcomer from head to toe!

“Pat, what the hell are you wearing?”

Arit’s eyes widened in shock as she glanced at the new person who was identified as Pat!

This is Pat!?

He looked like a normal human being!

Arit had never seen Pat before. She has known about him for a long time and she has heard Mark talking to him over the phone many times before, but she has never seen him once! Mark even told her that Pat only leaves his house if a life-threatening emergency that desperately required his attention came up, so it was unlikely that she could see him twice in five years!

Whenever Arit imagined what Pat looks like, she would think of someone wearing sweatpants and a sweater as he huddles up on a couch and eats chips all day long while staring at his laptop screen! This was the image that Arit always had about Pat, but the person that was standing in front of her was nothing like that! Pat looked like a perfectly normal person, so she was shocked!

Arit didn’t know that she was actually right about her initial image of Pat. Pat was the sort of person who would huddle up in front of the TV for hours on end while eating chips and drinking soda and he only had a relationship with his many laptops and PCs. But there was a special reason why Pat simply had to come here today and also why he had to dress up so well.

Pat first came here wearing sweatpants and a hoodie but the security told him that he couldn’t enter because they thought that he was a reporter. Many reporters were hanging around the perimeter waiting for Mark or any other Superhuman to come out, so once Pat told them that he wanted to meet Mark, they stopped him and sent him away.

Pat just wanted to make sure for himself that Mark was fine and to tell Mark about what happened with the transmission video, but he became pissed once the security turned him away, so he went back and came back dressed like this in a Chrome Black Vanitas Avatendor that he drove straight through the security checkpoint.

This car was one of the supercars developed by Mark’s family company and it was seen as one of the most high-class cars in the entire world! People couldn’t stop staring and pointing in surprise as they saw Pat driving into the building.

“Isn’t that a Vanitas! I haven’t seen one in my entire life before! They say only billionaires can drive it since it is so rare!”

“Holy shit, it’s a Vanitas! Did a politician come to see the NSA? We should try to get an interview?”

“I can get an interview for Cutiepie Metube page! That Vanitas must belong to a rich man! He will bring in a lot of views!”

“Why are you all so excited? It’s just a Vanitas car! It’s not even better than a Lamborghini!”

“Are you stupid! Go back to school and relearn the definition of better if you don’t know anything! The Lamborghini cannot even beat the Vanitas in top speed or acceleration! And the look of the Vanitas is far better! The Vanitas is ten times better!”

People were all talking animatedly and looking at the Vanitas car in shock as they watched it drive up to the gate! The guards at the gate didn’t even dare to stop the car once they saw that it was a Vanitas because they thought he was some sort of politician or a high-profile celebrity! They wouldn’t dare to stop someone who could drive a Vanitas so casually!

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