After Luna and Arit finished fixing up their makeup, they left the bathroom to join Mark in the hallway, but Arit had never stopped releasing her bloodlust on those two women that she saw looking at Mark. The women had been on guard throughout the time they were in the bathroom, and Luna knew that Arit’s reputation was only going to get worse from here because of what she was doing.

As they walked, Mark had both hands in his pockets. Arit had attached herself to Mark’s right hand and hugged it tight, while Luna was holding Mark’s left hand gently with her right hand. Mark didn’t really put much thought into what Luna was worried about because he knew that Arit wouldn’t do anything that would affect her reputation that much. Arit promised him that she wouldn’t kill or hurt anyone unless she had no other option, and Mark knew that Arit was smart enough to realize when she was going too far.

Mark watched as Arit’s face scrunched up in irritation after Luna reprimanded her, and Arit finally said that it didn’t matter because they started it. The women could have gone to any other bathroom, but they just had to come into that one to interrupt them. Luna sighed in tiredness and told Arit that she should just calm down a little around others. Arit was directly linked to Mark, so anything she did reflected on him as well.

Mark finally decided to speak up.

“I don’t really care what people think of me, Luna. I know it’s important to have a good reputation for business, but my life isn’t a normal one, so I can’t ever hope to have a normal reputation. People might be scared of Arit, but a lot of others are always defending her because she saved them. Arit won’t do anything that will ruin my image, so you don’t need to worry too much about her.”

Once Mark said this, a smile bloomed on Arit’s face as she tightened her hold on Mark’s arm even more, and Mark just gave her a small grin when she did this. Luna saw how easygoing they both were about this, and she just sighed with a small smile as she realized that maybe she was taking this too seriously. Luna had always tried her best to keep up an image outside so that no one would ever find any faults in her. Luna was used to putting up a persona of the perfect woman, so she just didn’t agree with the way Arit was openly making enemies and scaring people. But since neither Mark nor Arit cared, Luna decided not to care either. Maybe it was time for her to loosen up a little instead of always putting up an image of perfection everywhere she went.

Mark noticed Luna’s contemplative look, and he just allowed her to think through whatever it was that she was thinking about. Mark knew that Luna was always putting up a front in public, and she was only bringing up Arit’s behavior because she was worried about Arit, so Mark was sure that Luna would come to her own conclusion about all of this eventually.

They kept walking for a while, but when they turned a corner, Mark stopped as he heard something coming from the other end of the hallway. It was still pretty far away, but all three of them were able to pick it up easily, and Mark raised a brow as he heard a voice that he immediately recognized shouting in anger.

“Stay away from me, you bitch! Don’t touch me! Don’t fucking touch me!”

That was definitely Pat. Mark felt a sinister grin growing on his face as Pat turned the corner like a man running from a beast and bolted down toward Mark!

“Wait! Don’t run from me! I just wanted to talk!”

Another voice shouted back at Pat, and Mark’s grin widened even more as a woman cut around the corner as well and continued chasing him! The woman was barefoot, and she held her gown up while running, and Mark had never in his life seen a funnier scene than what he was witnessing! A man running away from a barefoot woman had to be one of the craziest situations he has ever witnessed!!

Pat’s eyes widened once he saw Mark standing there, and Pat immediately slid to a stop beside Mark and moved so that Mark’s body was standing between him and the woman! Pat glared at the incoming woman while taking in deep breaths.

“Stay away from me or he’s going to wreck your shit!”

Mark blinked in confusion. I’m going to what?

Pat noticed Mark’s confusion, and he gave Mark a side glance, telling him to play along. Mark just sighed before he turned to the woman and spoke in a deadpan voice.

“Stop chasing him or I’m going to wreck your shit.”

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The woman immediately stopped in her tracks once she noticed who it was that was talking to her, and her eyes widened in shock and awe as a strange sound like a siren echoed from her lungs.

“Eeeeeeeiii!! It’s GHOST! Oh my god, I’m your biggest fan! I love you! I have all the videos of your biggest fights! Like the one with the large fish-headed animal and the Gorilla that terrorized City C! I even have the limited edition GHOST mask that was sold on the black market for a while! There aren’t even ten of them in the world! Wait, that isn’t what I was doing! You’re trying to distract me! Pat, you’re not getting away! Show me your stuff! I just want to see it!”

Mark blinked in surprise once more as the girl started talking at a mile a minute, and he almost felt like taking a step back from the number of words she was able to fit into one breath! That was fucking impressive! But when the girl said that Pat should show her his stuff, Mark turned to look down at Pat with the nastiest grin that Pat had ever seen in his life, and Pat just glared at Mark and told him to shut the fuck up! It’s not what he thinks at all!

Pat glared at the girl and spoke.

“I’m not showing you the MDS! It’s confidential!”

Mark’s face immediately turned serious once he heard that, and he glared at Pat.

“How the fuck does she know about the MDS, Pat?”

Pat huffed and looked away guiltily. Pat hadn’t meant to say anything about it to the girl, but with how easily she understood everything that he had been saying to her before, Pat just couldn’t stop talking for some reason. It was almost like Pat felt challenged when he noticed that nothing he said was foreign to her and he wanted to keep showing off in front of her.

Pat explained a lot of concepts of the things he did to her, and whenever she understood him, he just felt like telling her more and more. Pat didn’t even know when he mentioned that he used his self-made algorithm to create a system for detecting mana, and it was only after the girl’s eyes widened in shock that he realized what he had said!

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