

The anima continued to screech as it felt its skull cracking open. It suddenly began to feel regret for its greedy nature! It knew that it should have stopped when it finished killing all the humans! It should have just eaten them and left! But it was too greedy and it thought that it could get more food when it heard Mark and Greg coming down the tunnel.

If it simply left with the bodies then it might have survived!



Mark finally destroyed the head, and his boot slammed into the ground as he squashed the anima’s skull under his feet.

[User has killed one Low-Level Calamity Class +100 Skill points]

20 Low-level Disaster Class (20/20)

10 High-level Disaster Class (10/10)

5 Low-level Calamity Class (4/5)

1 High-level Calamity Class (0/1)

Mark only spared it a glance before he swiped his feet on the ground to get rid of the brain matter and turned to look at Greg.

“You okay over there?”

“I… can’t fucking move.”

Greg was lying flat on the ground with one of his hands on his stomach, his other hand was at his side, and his feet were spread unceremoniously on each side. He grunted in exertion as he tried to move, but couldn’t move any part of his body at all no matter how much he struggled!

Greg tried lifting his head again, but it only moved one centimeter before he lost control of it and it fell back to the ground with a thud!


Greg cursed loudly as he realized that he was not going anywhere.

Greg was only scratched with a bit of the paralyzing liquid, so he was not going to stay down for long. But as far as Mark was concerned, Greg was out of the fight. He would be completely useless in a fight the way he is now, and Mark didn’t have the time to wait around for him to get his motor functions back.

“Can you help me over to that wall? The wound on my back hurts a lot.”

Mark scoffed as he saw the state Greg was in and he moved closer to make sure that Greg’s injury was not too bad. Once he made sure it was fine, he moved Greg over to the wall and helped him to rest his shoulder on it. Mark then stood and began to walk out of the cave while giving Greg a few parting words.

“When you can move again, get out of the cave. You’ve done the best you could for the people here. You don’t owe them any more than what you’ve already given. Once you get out there, tell Fiona and Tyler to leave the island immediately. I’ll find my friend and find my own way back, so you don’t need to worry about me.”

Greg immediately spoke up before Mark could go too far.

“If you find anyone alive in there, please save them. I know I’m only placing my responsibilities on you, but I don’t have any other choice. I’m begging you; one man to another, to please help them.”

Greg watched Mark’s retreating back as he disappeared into the darkness, and it was only after Mark had completely disappeared that he heard Mark’s response echo back to him.

“No problem.”

Mark had no issues with helping people. Even though Mark only fought because he truly enjoyed the thrill of battle, he also found it worthwhile to help the people along the way. If killing one disaster class would save the lives of two hundred humans, then the kill would become even more fulfilling. That was how Mark saw things.

But that didn’t mean that Mark was narrow-minded or foolish. He also knew that sometimes you cannot save everyone, and you just have to let people die for the greater good. It sounded wrong on many levels, but it was just the reality of things.

Sometimes, the only thing you can really do is make the decision you believe is best in a bad situation and hope that things align in a way so that the results of your decision don’t come back to bite you in the ass.

Isn’t that what all of us are doing, really?

Mark made his way deeper into the tunnel, and he passed the occasional signs of combat here and there as he moved. There were some blood stains on the wall and dents on the floor, but he didn’t see any more bodies, so he was sure that whoever was fighting was still up ahead.




It didn’t take long for him to reach a wide opening that had sounds of intense fighting echoing out from inside, and Mark took his time to look inside the room and see what sort of monster was inside.

The inside of the room was very large, and there was light shining from more of the green light crystals embedded in the walls. The far end of the room had a large chamber-like structure that made Mark narrow his eyes suspiciously once he saw it, but he didn’t have time to really analyze what it could be because his eyes were drawn towards the two people in the middle of the room.

One of them was a human with a slim, muscular build. His shirt was torn, and only parts of his trousers were still intact, and there were hundreds of cuts all around his body from the fight, but he still had a defiant look in his eye as he faced off against the Anima opposite him. Mark could immediately tell who this was.

Although he looked slightly different from the person that Mark saw before, Mark knew that this was Meta, the superhuman that Mark saw hanging out with Archer a few hours earlier.

But that Meta was large with bulging pockets of fat all over his body, and this Meta looked like the prime example of a fit bodybuilder! It must be his blessing that was working. Meta could burn the fat inside his body and use it to increase his own body’s power. It was a versatile power because it allowed him to only increase his power to the amount that was required for every enemy.

If he met an enemy that was not too strong, then he would not need to burn too much of his fat!

The mere fact that he was already looking like a track star showed that Meta was fighting against something that was far stronger than him. He had already burned a large amount of his fat, but he was still looking like he was going to lose the fight! Meta was one of the most physically gifted superhumans, so it was a bit surprising that he would struggle against a single opponent.

The anima opposite him was clearly different from all the others that Mark fought up till now. It was an ant-headed anima that stood at three meters tall. It had a tough-looking green exoskeleton with multiple plates on its joints to protect them.

There was nothing different about it physically; it looked and stood in the same animalistic way that all the other Anima did, but there was something in its eyes. An obvious spark of intelligence that told Mark that this Anima was different in every way from the others. It looked like it was analyzing everything about Meta from head to toe as it stared at him.

Mark narrowed his eyes at the Anima as he waited to see what sort of power it had.

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