Arthur eyed the two agents in front of him wearily and finally asked them what had happened to Arit.
The male agent shook his head. There were already a few people around them watching curiously, and the agent didn’t want to cause a scene that would alert Mark to what was going on, so he directed them to follow him.
“Please come this way, Mr. Clayborn. There are some things we need to discuss with you.”
Arthur frowned but didn’t move.
“I asked if you know where my daughter is.”
The male agent nodded.
“Yes, we do. If you would just come with us. I promise to explain everything. This is a matter of national emergency, Mr. Clayborn. I’m sure you’ll want to hear what we have to say.”
Arthur eyed both agents for a few moments longer before he finally nodded and followed the male agent. The female agent took her place behind him, and for some reason, Arthur felt like she was there to prevent him from running away.
They left the airport and entered a black Vanitas Model M parked in front of the building. They drove for a few minutes and finally arrived at what looked like a regular building close to the center of City C.
The building was just a two-story residential apartment complex, but the soldiers standing in front of the door, as well as the black Vanitas Model M’s that Arthur could see in front of the house, told him that this was no normal house. Was it some sort of military base?
The agents led Arthur into the building, and he couldn’t help but notice how some of the soldiers around were staring at him cautiously like they were prepared to attack him at any moment if he made the wrong move. Arthur kept his hands in his pockets and stayed close to the agents who had taken him from the airport while ignoring the stares.
“They don’t seem to be very welcoming. What is going on here?”
Arthur spoke up to the male agent in front of him, and the man nodded.
“We are on high alert because of how serious the situation is. They would act the same toward anyone, please pay it no mind. Right this way.”
Arthur was led into a well-lit room with a table in the middle of it. There were two chairs beside the table—one on either end—and Arthur was told to sit in one. Once he was settled down, Arthur was about to ask them another question, but before he could say a thing, the agents were gone, and he was alone in the room. Arthur frowned and sat back in the seat to wait patiently.
It didn’t even take ten seconds before the door to the room opened again, and Arthur sat up as another two people walked into the room. This time, the two were dressed more casually. One of them was a woman with long white hair and unnerving white eyes who seemed to be looking right through him but never at him, and the other person was Alec Ben.
Alec stood beside the table and allowed the woman to sit down before he turned to Arthur.
“Mr. Clayborn, my name is Alec Ben. I am a superhuman agent working with the Superhuman Alliance, and this here is Susanna Iverson. She is part of the City C police force, and she will be helping me.”
Arthur nodded his head to Alec and gave a small nod to Susanna when she nodded to him. Arthur thought that Susanna was blind when she first entered the room, but he was shocked when she met his eyes easily. Arthur immediately knew that she was some sort of superhuman. Arthur knew who Alec Ben was, and he knew that he worked with the government, so seeing him made Arthur relax a little more.
“I was told that I could meet my daughter if I came here. What is going on?”
Alec nodded while putting his hands behind him, and he started questioning the man.
“Are you aware of the recent issue that arose with the NSA? The anima-human hybrids?”
Arthur frowned when Alec ignored his question, but he nodded his head to say that he knew what Alec was talking about. Even though he was outside of America, it was impossible for Arthur not to have heard about the recent incident that happened with Salazar. It was something that was shown all over the world due to how serious the crime was.
The final hearing that happened in the international criminal court was even broadcasted on MeTube, so Arthur watched it there.
Alec turned to Susanna, and she nodded to him before he asked another question.
“And what about an incident that happened before that one at Nature Academy? The killing of two students by an unidentified superhuman. Did you hear about that?”
Once more, Arthur nodded to show that he knew about it. The school sent out memos to every parent in the school, telling them about the incident as well as all the precautions that were being taken to ensure that there would be no more casualties in the school.
Arthur was actually reluctant to send Arit back to school after hearing about the killing, but Mark reassured him that he would look after Arit, so Arthur decided to trust him.
Suddenly, Alec asked something that shocked Arthur.
“And do you know who was responsible for this incident?”
Arthur raised a brow and gave Alec a look of disbelief.
“How in the world am I supposed to know about that?”
Alec watched Arthur for a few seconds to see if there was any change in his expression before he turned to Susanna once more. Susanna was a liaison that Alec borrowed from the police force because of her unique blessing. Susanna was a B-rank superhuman blessed by Apollo, the god of prophecy and truth.
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Susanna was medically blind, but her blessing allowed her to view the world in various colors using the mana of anything she looked at. Inanimate objects were always black to her since they did not have any mana, while animate objects like people or animals were highlighted based on what they were feeling at that time. Happiness was yellow, sadness was grey, and anger was red.
When people lied, they showed up as a black object to Susanna, and this allowed her to act as a living polygraph that could tell when someone was lying to the police.
The only disadvantage to this power was the fact that Susanna could not use her blessing against people who possessed mana that was a lot more than hers. When someone possesses more mana than her, and she tries to read their mood, it would be like someone trying to look up at the sun with their eyes; she would be blinded by the intensity.
But for petty criminals and normal people, Susanna was the perfect method for finding out if they were lying or not.
And when Susanna looked at Arthur, she could see that there was no reaction from the small amount of mana in his body. Everything in the world possessed mana, even though most things couldn’t use the mana in their body, so Susanna could still see some mana in Arthur’s body, and that mana was showing up as a red highlight to her, showing her that he was getting angry. But he was not lying.
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