The drunk man sitting beside them laughed at her in a slurred tone, but a glare from A was enough to make the man raise his hands in surrender. The drunkard chuckled a few times before he hiccuped and slowly ambled away, making his way upstairs with the waitress he’d been feeling up. Once he was gone, A turned back to Richard.
Now that she knew who he was, she spoke in a low voice so that only he could hear her.
“I called about some information earlier. You said you had something for me about the people hanging around here.”
Richard’s eyes widened in realization before he smiled apologetically. If he’d known that she was the one who called earlier, he wouldn’t have given her as much trouble as he did. But he didn’t bother returning the money. Once money changes hands in the underworld, it never comes back.
Richard leaned down to talk to A.
“There’s been a lot of weird folk coming in here for a good three weeks now. Thought they were just some fools who didn’t know what this place was, but after one of them killed a man who tried to rob him, no one messes with them anymore. They’re obviously superhuman, but they aren’t causing any trouble other than making everyone nervous.
The owner takes them out to the back, and they disappear back there for days before coming out again.”
A furrowed her brow in confusion.
“Do you know what they’re doing back there?”
Richard shrugged.
“Not a clue. The owner is very hush-hush about it. He doesn’t even let anyone go back there other than the strange folk. But there’s something I noticed a few days ago. Something big.”
A waited for the man to say what this thing was, and when she realized that he wasn’t going to say anything more, she frowned.
“Well? What is it!?”
Richard eyed her curiously before looking down at the counter suggestively. A growled in anger and reached forward to try and grab him, but Richard just gave her a look as if he was daring her to try what she had in mind. Was she really going to touch him on his own turf? She wouldn’t get out of here alive.
A quickly understood that she was the one on the losing end here. If she didn’t do as Richard said, she would leave with no information, and if she touched him, she would have to fight her way out of there. Even if they weren’t making it obvious, she could feel the stares of some people behind her on her back. Some of them were superhumans, and at least two of them were higher than B rank.
This wasn’t A’s turf, and no matter how angry she was, she couldn’t go out of line.
A reached into her pocket and pulled out another hundred-dollar bill. She slammed it on the counter before pushing it forward roughly, and the man took the cash and pocketed it with a nod. He then leaned forward and spoke conspiratorially.
“There was a woman that came here the other day, about a week ago. Tall woman with quite a body. Her face was covered when she entered, but when I went to the back to restock the bar, I caught a glimpse of her with her mask off while she was talking to some man I didn’t recognize. That woman was Sasha, the SOVEREIGN.
I only managed to catch a bit of what she said, but it was something along the lines of speeding up the processing of some test subject.”
A’s eyes widened in shock once she heard this, and Richard finally told her that this was everything he had for her. He went back to cleaning his glass cup, and A let her mind run wild as she started to make her way out of the bar. A SOVEREIGN was in this part of town? What the hell was a SOVEREIGN doing in this rundown dump? And wasn’t Sasha reported as missing right now?
The government put out an announcement for any information on her whereabouts, and there has been nothing so far. If Sasha was here because she was hiding from the government, then there’s a chance this could be related to Gunter since he was also missing.
A didn’t even want to let her mind trail towards what Richard said about a test subject. In the underworld, the wisest thing you can do is not to poke your nose too deep into any situation that does not concern you. GHOST only asked A to search for information about Gunter and Fiona, and he never said anything about finding out what Sasha was up to.
In fact, GHOST never even asked A to find out where Sasha was in the first place, and the only reason why A was bothering to report this back to GHOST at all was because of how it might be related to Gunter.
A left Lucifer’s Watering Hole and stopped as a man suddenly bent over to puke his beer out on the ground in front of her. She grimaced in disgust before sidestepping him and continuing on her way. She grabbed her phone from her pocket to make a call. At least, with this much information, A could say that she had a definitive lead to give to GHOST.
If she told GHOST about Sasha being here, then she could leave the rest of the investigation up to him. A didn’t want to be caught in the battle that could occur if both Sasha and Gunter were confronted by GHOST here.
Ring~ Ring~ Ring~
The phone rang for a while, and A furrowed her brow as she thought that GHOST wasn’t going to pick up. She ducked into an alleyway on the left, and she was about to cut the phone and call again when GHOST finally picked up.
[You have something?]
Mark was lying in bed with Arit when he got the call. He had just finished fighting against a calamity that appeared a few streets away from the hotel, and since he was not exhausted at all, he was still awake even though Arit had already gone to sleep.
Arit moaned from beside him when he spoke and she turned around and opened her sleepy eyes. Arit asked him what was going on and Mark kissed her forehead and told her it was nothing, he would be back to bed soon.
Arit smiled and closed her eyes again as Mark got off the bed and walked out of the room. Mark went to the living room and then walked out to the patio that overlooked the city below. He scratched his hair calmly and watched the people moving through the streets while listening to what A was saying.
Mark had been expecting this call from A for some time now. He gave her the job of finding information about Gunter and Fiona about a month ago after failing to find anything through the first guy that he contracted, and Mark was already expecting her to tell him that she didn’t find anything either. But he was surprised when she didn’t say that.
Instead, she told him that there was something serious.
“I met with a man in the slums of City B. It’s a wretched place, but you can trust the information he gives. They don’t lie as long as you pay the right amount.” Read the latest on empire
[Alright, what is it?]
“First the money. You need to send half before I can tell you.”
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