Mark clicked off the television once he was done watching the news, and his eyes narrowed in annoyance as he thought back to everything that had happened over the last day. After the incident on the island finally died down, many rescue aircraft came in from the Superhuman Alliance and helped the remaining civilians move over the ocean toward the mainland.
Some ships also came to carry civilians across the ocean, but people were too afraid to use the ocean after the Eldritch emerged from it, so they all decided to use the aircraft instead.
When Mark finished fighting the Eldritch and went to find Talia and Arit, he heard from Arit that they had been attacked by two superhumans who were there to kidnap them. Talia’s shoulder had been fractured, and she fell asleep from exhaustion caused by mana depletion. Mark had to be careful carrying her to make sure nothing woke her up.
Mark grit his teeth just thinking about all the injuries he saw on Arit, as well as Talia’s broken shoulder.
Mark immediately asked Arit where the two assassins were, and Arit told him they were dead. Arit handled one of them, while Talia and James dealt with the other one, but it was Arit who killed them both. Mark was a little relieved that Talia didn’t have to kill someone this early in her life.
Mark asked Arit if she managed to get any information about who sent them. Mark already had an idea, but he just wanted to make sure. Arit told him that she managed to get some information out of the woman. The man told Arit that the person who sent them was a group she only knew as S.
Mark didn’t bother asking Arit how she managed to get that information out of the man, but a small part of him wished he had been there to see it.
Mark already suspected that Salazar would be part of this. But what was this S that the woman spoke about? Could it be the Syndicate that the superhuman killer spoke about before? Mark and Pat have been trying to find out more about the Syndicate for a long time now, but it was almost impossible to uncover anything about them. Were the Syndicate finally revealing themselves?
Mark shook his head and decided not to focus on that right now. While Mark had been fighting, he could’ve easily lost either Arit or Talia because of that fucking bastard Salazar, and now that same bastard was in a place where Mark couldn’t touch him.
Just thinking about that twisted something inside Mark, and if not for the fact that Mark was busy taking care of the two of them, Mark would have definitely broken something just to try and get that anger out of him.
Mark didn’t know if getting captured was part of Salazar’s plan or if Salazar never expected to be captured, but the mere fact that Salazar was taken into custody meant that Salazar was somehow safe from Mark right now. Mark wanted to hunt Salazar down and kill him with his own hands. He didn’t want Salazar to have a trial. Someone like that does not deserve such an honor.
Mark called his godfather to send a helicopter from the company to take them back. Instead of going back to their house, Mark went with Arit and Talia, as well as Greg and his family, to the Superhuman Alliance building.
Mark called Jeanne while on the island, and she told him that she was at the Superhuman Alliance building, so he was going there to have her look everyone over and make sure there were no serious injuries.
Greg’s shoulder had been blown out by Sasha’s bullet, but thankfully, a superhuman found him and his wife unconscious in the forest before they could get eaten by anima and helped Greg with first aid for his shoulder. Now, the bleeding had stopped, and they only had to go to Jeanne to see if she needed to heal it or if they could just leave it to heal on its own.
Throughout the journey, Mark was silent as his mind raced. Arit was sleeping against his shoulder while holding his hand tightly, and Talia was seated on his lap, sleeping with her head on his chest.
Mark knew that if things had gone wrong, just a little—maybe if Arit and Talia weren’t superhuman, or if Greg and his family weren’t there with them—they would have been having a very different conversation right now and he might’ve been holding dead bodies rather than living ones.
There was nothing Mark could’ve done to help since they were so far away from him, but he still felt somehow responsible for this. It was obvious that the only reason the Syndicate and Salazar were after Arit and Talia was because of him. This wasn’t the first time that Mark would be leaving Arit or Talia on their own, and he knew that he couldn’t protect them all the time.
That was the entire reason why Mark made sure to train Arit and Talia so they wouldn’t be defenseless in a situation like this.
But that did not mean that Mark was not fucking pissed off.
Once they got to the Superhuman Alliance building, Mark made sure that Arit and Talia were with Jeanne in the hospital wing before he made his way to the office of the deputy director of the Superhuman Alliance. Jeanne told Mark that she wanted to talk to him about Pat, but Mark was not in the mood at the moment and told her that they would talk about it later.
Mark walked through the hallway of the Superhuman Alliance building, and all of the superhumans around couldn’t help but stare at him, wondering what he was doing there. News articles and blogs about his fight against the Elder Eldritch had already surfaced online, so many of the superhumans knew that he was coming straight from a bloody battle that would have killed anyone else easily.
“What is GHOST doing here? Shouldn’t he be resting after that fight? I heard he fought against an Elder Eldritch.”
“What’s all that black stuff on his hands?”
“It looks like monster blood. It’s probably from the Eldritch.”
“He doesn’t even look tired; he just looks pissed. Do you think something happened?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t want to be in his way when he’s like that. He looks like he’ll kill anyone that pisses him off right now.”
Mark suddenly called out to one of the women standing at the side, and she couldn’t help the shocked sound that escaped from her mouth once she saw Mark turn his full attention to her. She quickly stammered out a greeting and asked Mark what he needed.
“The deputy director. Where is his office?”
“Uh… Deputy Director George? Uhm, d-down the hall to your right. There’s an elevator leading to the seventh floor. His door is on the left once you come out of the elevator.”
The woman quickly gave Mark what he needed when she saw the impatient look on his face, and Mark turned away and moved in the direction she had given. Mark turned the corner, took the elevator up, and finally arrived at the door. He opened it to reveal a large reception area with the director’s secretary, Mary, sitting at a desk on one end of the room.
There was another door on the other end of the room, and Mark figured that this was the door leading to the director’s actual office. He started walking towards the door without bothering to even look at Mary.
Mary was shocked when she saw Mark come through the first door, and she immediately stood up when she noticed him going to the director’s office.
“M-Mr. Vanitas. Wait. The director is in a meeting right now; I have to announce your—”
“Save it.”
Mark growled out in irritation when Mary started walking towards him, and she stopped in her tracks as fear coursed through her body from the look in Mark’s eyes. Her base instincts told her at that moment that she shouldn’t even try to stop Mark from going to see the director. Trying to stop him could end very badly for her! But even though she was scared, she still had to follow protocol.
No one was allowed to go into the office when the deputy director was having a meeting!
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