Mark shook his head as he decided to forget all about the skills he couldn’t activate and he came up with a new plan on the spot!
Mark was flying through the air right in front of the monster, and the monster raised two of its tentacles, intending to swat Mark out of the sky like a fly, but a whip made out of water shot out from the ocean and grabbed hold of the tentacle!
Luna was standing on top of a container, and her hands were in front of her as though she was holding the reins of a horse while she leaned back with an intense frown on her face! The force from the eldritch’s tentacles was so intense that Luna felt like her mana was getting sucked out of her! She could literally feel her stamina dropping just from having to hold on to the whip!
The eldritch roared as it pulled its tentacles back to free them, but two more whips appeared from the water and Luna used them to hold onto the tentacles tighter and gave Mark the opportunity to freefall right onto the monster’s head! Mark pulled back his fist and roared in anger as he unleashed a massive blow to the center of the monster’s head!
[Critical Hit]!!
The entire pier shook from the force of the punch and the sound of containers toppling over and concrete cracking echoed through the pier. But Mark’s face never relaxed as he saw something unbelievable! This fucker didn’t feel any pain!
The eldritch roared in anger as it finally broke free from Luna’s whip and slammed its tentacle into the spot where Mark was! Mark flipped his body back and allowed himself to freefall quickly enough for the first tentacle to miss, but Mark was not able to move fast enough to avoid the second tentacle that slammed into his side!
Mark was thrown through the air and he skipped across the ocean for two hundred meters before he finally splashed into the water!
Mark raised his head in anger as he emerged from the water, and he was already thinking of new ways to get to the eldritch for another attack when he felt the water under his feet grow cold before he was lifted up by a block of ice so that he was standing above the water surface.
Mark turned to Luna and he saw her focusing on the eldritch and trying to make sure it didn’t start moving towards the roads and he grinned!
Mark shouted his thanks through the comms as he started to run towards the eldritch again, but Luna didn’t respond as she was too focused on trying to hold the anima back! Mark put his hand up to his comms and clicked it to try and contact Pat again.
“Pat, you there!? I need eyes in the sky, Pat!”
[Receiver Unavailable]
Mark cursed and clicked off the call! Earlier, Mark tried to call Pat, but for some reason, Pat wasn’t responding to his calls. Mark would have called Jeanne to ask about what happened to Pat, but Mark didn’t have time for that right now. When there was no response for a second time, Mark just decided to forget about it and he refocused on the fight!
As Mark ran, the ice under his feet extended further across the ocean and led him straight toward the anima’s unprotected back! The eldritch was already moving toward Luna’s position and it rose a tentacle into the air with another roar to slam it down on Luna! Luna jumped out of the way and ran to the pier while stretching her hand out to the ocean.
The water in the ocean suddenly surged out, and Luna swung her arm above her head in a circle before bringing her hand down to her side! The water slowly started to rotate in the air, going faster and faster until it froze over into a perfect disk and began spinning like a helicopter blade!
Luna planted her feet and forced the blade forward with a shout, and it sliced across the ground while traveling straight to the anima!
The eldritch recoiled once it saw the bladed weapon coming towards it, and Luna watched in shock as it brought up two tentacles for protection and allowed the blade to cut deep into it!
The sound of the blade shearing against a metallic material echoed through the pier, and before long, the blade stopped in its tracks as it couldn’t bite into the monster’s skin anymore! The eldritch slammed the blade on the ground and broke the ice into a million pieces before it rose another tentacle to slam it down on Luna!
Luna realized that she wouldn’t be able to dodge the tentacle in time and she drew water from the ocean and used it to form a shield above her head as the tentacle slammed down on her hard!
“Ugh!” Your next chapter is on empire
Luna grunted under the immense strain and waited for the monster to raise its tentacles so that she could get out from under the shield, but before that could happen, Mark appeared from behind the anima and slammed his leg into its back!
The force of the kick drove the anima forward, forcing it to take its attention off of Luna! Mark flipped under a swipe from the anima and dodged a tentacle that tried to grab him! Mark raced across the anima’s body and grabbed hold of one of the injured tentacles before it was able to retract it!
There was a loud groan from the anima as it felt a surge of pain pass through its tentacle and Mark held the tentacle tightly as he waited for the anima to attack!
The tentacle closest to the one that Mark grabbed was the second one that Luna injured and the anima didn’t think about what it was doing when it reflexively lashed out with that tentacle to try and hit Mark! Mark grit his teeth and rose his hand to catch the second one!
Mark had all the wind knocked out of him once the tentacle hit his ribs, but he managed to stand his ground and held both tentacles under his arm before jumping back with a loud shout!
“Luna! Cut this fucking bastard!”
Luna immediately understood what Mark was trying to say. Mark was currently stretching out the two injured tentacles to give Luna a clean shot at them and Luna knew better than to waste such a perfect opportunity! She raised her hand and formed a second water disk before letting it loose!
The blade cut through the air perfectly and slammed into the tentacles in Mark’s arms! The anima roared in anger as it brought up two more tentacles to try and hit Mark, but Mark jumped further back, helping the blade to cut deeper into the anima’s skin!
Just like the last time, the blades were finding it hard to cut through the tentacles because of how hard the anima’s skin was! Almost like trying to cut through metal with a saw!
But with help from Mark as well as the previous injuries on the tentacles, the blade finally sheared through the first tentacle! The anima roared in pain as black blood surged out from its wound and sprayed Mark’s body in the black liquid and Mark roared as he dragged the second tentacle back for the blade to cut through that one as well!
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