“We need to form a perimeter around this port. The monster can’t make it back to the festival! It’ll kill everyone!”
The woman shouted out to some of the superhumans standing around the port. The superhumans there were mainly A and B ranks, while the woman was an S rank. Her name was Jane, and she was a member of the A-rank guild, GForce. Jane had come to this island on vacation to get away from all the fighting that had been happening on the mainland ever since GHOST showed himself.
Most guilds haven’t had any time to rest since that first calamity class showed up because of the sudden spike in how many anima were showing up every day now. They have had to increase their work hours by a lot to account for the increase in anima appearances.
Jane racked up a lot of holiday time in her guild, and she decided she would use some of it to come for this festival. It was just her bad luck that Jane ended up right in the middle of another anima attack while on holiday!
Jane turned to look at the monster in the distance, and she felt a shiver go down her back as she watched it. That thing didn’t deserve to be called a monster. That sort of name was an insult to such a beast. You could call Calamity and Disaster class anima monsters, but not this thing. This thing is an abomination of nature.
Eight long tentacles that it swung around like battering rams were attached to a large bulbous head of an octopus. The monster had two red eyes that peered out from slits in its head, and when it opened its mouth, there were rows upon rows of jagged teeth that would put the fear of God into anyone!
The monster roared in anger at all of the humans beneath it, and Jane had to fight to prevent herself from running away along with the other humans. The other superhumans in the area all looked just as terrified as her, and Jane knew that if someone didn’t step forward, they would all break formation and run! Jane had to stay here to make sure they didn’t just run away!
“What are you all doing!? We need to keep formation! Remember, we are the last line between that thing and the people at the festival! Come on!”
The superhumans in the area were all reluctant to listen to Jane, but they still followed after her as they raced forward to protect the citizens who were running away from the monster.
Thankfully, there were no disaster or calamity class monsters around here yet, so they didn’t have to worry about them as well, and they only had to make sure that the monster didn’t crush any of the humans while swinging its tentacles around!
The monster slammed its tentacle down on one of the containers sitting on the port and the metal crumpled under the force! The Eldritch grabbed it up easily before throwing it like a baseball at some of the humans that were running away! Jane put her hand out, and a massive torrent of water surged out from the ocean and flew toward the container!
The container was about to crush a man and his daughter, but the water managed to grab it at the last minute, and Jane gritted her teeth as she forced the container to stop its momentum before she squeezed her hand and swung it to the side, making the water toss the container to the side so it didn’t hit the humans!
Jane was a superhuman blessed by Neptune – just like Luna. But unlike Luna, Jane didn’t have the ability to control water down to the molecular level. Jane could only use water that was already in the liquid form and control it to do whatever she wanted.
Jane and Luna actually started off as a part of the same guild during their first year as superhumans. In that first year, Jane and Luna were part of a guild called the Neptune Guild that consisted of only superhumans blessed by Neptune. It was made by a man who believed himself to be the strongest, and he was assembling all the children of Neptune together in order to create his own army.
Back then, Jane believed that her power was superior to Luna’s. Jane could already control water even though it was only her first year as a superhuman, but Luna couldn’t yet control any water since Luna had to learn how to control water from the molecular level.
This prevented Luna from being able to use her blessing properly from the start, and everyone there just thought that Luna was weak since she didn’t have as much control as they did.
But as time went on, things started to change. Jane was one of the first people to notice since she was always working closely with Luna. Luna first learned how to control the air moisture in a room, then she learned how to change that moisture to water, and then she learned how to create steam from that moisture, and then she learned how to freeze it.
It was almost surreal to watch what was happening to Luna in real-time. Luna’s growth rate was something that terrified Jane, and before Jane even knew what had happened, Luna had not only caught up to her, she had surpassed her easily!
Jane didn’t understand how it was possible! What was she doing wrong? Why was Luna getting so much stronger while she was still this weak? Jane had no idea that Luna’s potential was far higher than her own. Luna had an ELITE Rank II potential, and Jane only had an A rank potential! It was like trying to compare the heavens to the earth!
Once Luna crossed over that first threshold of being able to control the moisture in the air, everything else just started to fall into place for her. She became stronger and stronger, and before long, she was already stronger than the guild leader. Obviously, this did not go down well with the leader. He believed himself to be the strongest, and he couldn’t have anyone undermining his authority.
There was a long period of espionage, and the guild leader schemed against Luna many times. Luna was only a nineteen-year-old then, so they thought she was just a child that they could manipulate anyhow they wanted.
But one day, during a mission where they had to fight against a high-level calamity that appeared in what was once Texas, Luna ended up getting hurt by one of the guild leader’s schemes.
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