The woman scoffed before scrolling through more news on her phone. She saw that the Superhuman Alliance had already labeled Salazar as a fugitive and she hummed while responding to the man.
“I’ll only love you if you have a billion dollars in your bank account. Love is money and money is love. Everything else is nonsense brought about by your hormones acting up in times of weakness.”
“Ah, Selina-chan. You say some hurtful things, you know. You’re saying my love means nothing to you? Ah, my heart can’t take it~! I think I’m dying!”
Selina’s eyes twitched.
“What’s with this ‘chan’ nonsense?”
“Oh, don’t you know!? We’re in the Tokyo Majin Festival, right!? It’s like they say! When in Rome, you have to act like an Egyptian!”
“That’s not how the saying goes! And don’t call me ‘chan’! It’s cringe!”
“Oh, you’re being tsundere! You actually love it, don’t you!? Selina-chan is so cute~! Come on, come on, call me George-kun~ Say George-kun, I love you~!”
The man suddenly reached out to Selina and Selina’s face blew up in an angry blushas he started touching her!
“Hey wait, don’t touch me there! Let go of my breasts! Don’t put your hand inside my shorts! Nngh~! Fuck! Y-Yes!”
George put his hands inside Selina’s shorts and he immediately thrust a finger inside her pussy and Seline felt electricity travel through her entire body as she thrust her hip up to meet George’s finger! Selina spread her legs slightly to give him more access.
Selina was about to just stop resisting and allow George do what he wanted, but she seemed to come back to her senses suddenly and she growled angrily as a tick mark appeared on her forehead!
“I said get away from me, you bastard!”
“Ah~ Selina-chan hit me~!”
“That’s because you’re an idiot!”
Ring! Ring! Ring!
The man’s phone suddenly went off and his expression quickly shifted from playful and easy-going to a hard look that made the woman sober up as well. He picked up the call and answered in a hard tone.
“What is it?”
“Begin the plan, George. Everything is in position.”
George glanced at Selina and she nodded to tell him that it was okay before looking through her phone again. George spoke up to the person on the phone.
“Alright, we’ll start now. Did you get the room number?”
“The informant said Room 122. While you’re there, try to get a hold of the little package along with the larger one. If you can’t, then prioritize the larger one. She is more important for the plan. The little one is simply a contingency.”
“Aye Aye, captain.”
The call was clicked off after George’s response and he stood up and stretched before putting his hand out to help Selina up. Selina looked at the hand for a second before glaring at him, and George just smiled at her. Selina finally sighed and took his hand to stand up.
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“I guess we better start. It’s going to get really loud very soon. You have the map, right?” George said this while finishing off his stretches, and he turned to Selina when she started to look through her bag for the pocket with the map. She spoke up once she found it.
“Yeah, yeah, I have it. I can’t believe they are going through this much trouble just for a newbie SOVEREIGN. He doesn’t even have his training wheels off yet and they’re treating him like the end of the world or something. It took more than a year to train those anima, especially the Eldritch, and they’re already using them before the plan even starts.”
George pointed at himself and then to Selina.
“Well, we’re only S rank. He’d kick both our asses in a straight fight.”
A tick mark appeared on Selina’s head before she growled at George.
“This is exactly why I can’t fall in love with you! You’re supposed to be saying, ‘No one can win against me’ or ‘I’ll protect you’ at a time like this, aren’t you!? How can you say you’re in love with me if you can’t even say that much!? You spineless bastard!”
“Ehh? But it’s just the truth! Why would I lie like that!? If I try to protect you against someone like Mark, I’ll die!”
Selina growled in irritation before she just told him to start moving! She jumped off the crate, and George sighed as he followed behind her whiel licking the finger he had put inside her.
“I wish we could have done it one more time.”
The Tokyo Majin festival was still going on at the base of the mountain. Mark, Arit, and Luna were watching the festival from the back porch of the hotel. Even though there were now fewer people than there had been at the start of the evening, Mark could still see a significant number of people walking around the festival streets and trying out the games.
Even though it was nearing midnight, it seemed some people were not yet satisfied.
But Mark could feel that something was wrong. Mark couldn’t exactly pinpoint the reason behind this feeling, but it was the same feeling that Mark had earlier today when they were coming to the festival. A feeling like someone was watching them.
Luna was the first to notice Mark’s tense expression, and she asked him if there was something wrong. Arit had dozed off on Mark’s shoulder, and Luna had been looking for a way to talk more with Mark since it was just the both of them. Once she noticed that Mark was no longer calm, she immediately spoke up.
Mark’s eyes narrowed as he glared at the ocean in the distance.
“Something’s coming.”
Luna blinked in surprise as she turned to the ocean as well. What in the world was Mark talking about? Luna spread out her senses to see if she could feel what Mark felt, and at first, she didn’t sense anything. But after a few seconds, Luna’s eyes widened in shock!
“An anima.”
The sound of an explosion made Arit shoot up from her sleep in shock! She started to look around, wondering what was going on, and it didn’t take long for her to see exactly what happened.
The festival was on fire. freё
A massive explosion had gone off under some of the festival stalls, and now there was a raging fire burning in the center of the large festival, and people were running away from the flames in fear. The sound of planes passing overhead made all three of them look up, and Mark already started to take off his kimono as he knew exactly what was going to happen. He turned to Luna with a shout!
“Luna, do you have any ranged spells!? I need you to shoot those planes down! Now!”
Luna’s attention snapped back to Mark once she heard him shout, and she immediately nodded. Mark pointed to the planes in the sky and told her to aim directly for the cockpit so that the spell would hit the pilot!
Luna was stunned by the order, but she knew that Mark wouldn’t just attack that plane for no reason. If he was asking her to kill the pilots, then there had to be a good reason for it! She would ask him for an explanation later!
Luna raised her hand, and grabbed a hold of the moisture in the air all around them! The moisture began to gather together and solidify until they formed three long icicles with pointed ends that were more than three meters long! Luna aimed them toward the planes before firing!
The icicles flew towards the planes, but just before they could hit, the cargo hold of the planes opened up and released their cargo! Arit’s eyes widened as she saw something that she never thought she would see in her life.
“Are those… anima?”
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