Martha had come to Uriel’s office because she still wasn’t convinced of everything that Uriel had said earlier. Things just didn’t add up and Martha came so that Uriel would explain it a bit more to her and clear things up, but Martha never expected to see Fiona standing there without any restraints on her! It was obvious that Fiona was never captured at all!

Martha’s eyes took in everything that was happening inside the room quickly before she finally locked eyes with Fiona. Fiona was too stunned by the interruption and in that moment, she hesitated for one second. That one second was all that Martha needed! Martha already knew what sort of power Fiona had, so Martha turned her eyes away from Fiona’s own quickly before she turned and bolted! Fiona cursed!


[Get her! She’s going to press the emergency button!]

Fiona shot out from the room faster than anyone could follow! Fiona noticed that the other scientists in Uriel’s office had stopped what they were doing to look at the commotion and she turned around and shouted at them.

“Don’t stop that transfer! Keep going!”

Uriel nodded in obedience and continued doing what she had been doing and Fiona quickly ran out to the corridor connecting Uriel’s office to the main lab. Fiona saw Martha running towards the other side of the lab and she knew that she had to get her before she could press that button! Fiona looked around for something that she could use as a weapon!

Going out into the main lab would mess up the plan because it would alert everyone to the fact that she was not actually captured! She had to deal with Martha from a distance!

Fiona looked around for something to use and her eyes locked onto a pen that was lying on the floor beside her. Martha had dropped the pen in her rush to get out of the office and Fiona quickly grabbed it and drew her hand back.

Fiona was an A-rank superhuman, and even though she was not the most physically gifted A-rank and she did not have the insane destructive power that someone like Tylor had, that does not mean that she was weak physically. Fiona still had enough power in her body to destroy a building if she tried hard enough.

So when Fiona drew back her hand and threw that pen towards Martha’s head, it was almost like a crossbow releasing an arrow with unbelievable force!


The pen flew through the air like a bullet, and just before Martha could get to the button, it slammed into the back of her head, rattling her brain like a basketball. Martha was already passing out before she even knew she had been hit!

But, unfortunately for Fiona, things just didn’t seem to want to go her way at all because, at that moment, Martha had gotten close enough to the button already, and when Martha passed out, she fell forward, right on top of the emergency button!


WeeWoo! WeeWoo! WeeWoo! WeeWoo!

[Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Initiating lockdown sequence! All scientists are advised to move to the bunker at once. I repeat, all scientists are advised to move to the bunker at once.

Initiating lockdown sequence in ten seconds!]

“What the hell just happened!? Who pressed the button!?”

“There’s an intruder in the lab!?”

“No, I don’t think so! Martha passed out and pressed it by mistake!?”

“Shit! We have to go to the bunker! We’ll die if we stay here!”

“Leave everything and run to the bunker! We can deal with everything later!”

The scientists on the ground didn’t waste any time as they quickly started to run to the bunker! Fiona felt a surge of anger rising from her belly as she saw that her efforts had been in vain, and she cursed before turning to run back to Uriel’s office!

[Eight… Seven… Six…]

“Is it finished!? Tell me that it’s fucking finished!”

Uriel nodded as she brought out the flash and handed it back to Fiona. Fiona collected the flash and stored it in her back pocket before commanding them to lead her to the bunker. Fiona didn’t know what the lockdown sequence was, but for some reason, she didn’t want to be out here when it started!

This lab was meant to hold superhumans and Anima, so the lockdown sequence was definitely going to be something strong enough to deal with superhuman intruders!

[Fiona! Get out of there now!]

“Shut up! What do you think I’m trying to do!?”

[Four… Three…]

Uriel quickly led Fiona out of the office and into the main lab. There was a door on the other side of the lab that led to the bunker, and Uriel started running there, but Fiona grabbed Uriel and the other scientists around her by their shirts before she blasted off the ground and shot towards the door!


[Two… One. Lockdown sequence initiated.]


Fiona cursed in anger as she heard the automated voice announcing the lockdown sequence all around the lab! She continued moving towards the door without stopping, but before she could get to the door, a massive force slammed into her from the side and took all the air from her lungs in one hit!


Fiona was flung away from the door! She turned around while in the air and saw that it was one of the Anima that had been inside the pods that hit her! The pods were all opening up, and the grotesque-looking Anima that the scientists had been working on were awake and climbing out of them!

These fucking bastards are trying to use the Anima to clean the lab!? Have they gone mad!? What will they do if the Anima manages to get to the surface!? Everyone in this building would die!


The sound of air pressure being released made Fiona turn back to the bunker door, and she saw that a giant metal barrier was slowly being lowered to prevent the Anima from getting into the bunker! Fiona glared down at the humans she was carrying with her.

She knew that they were all useless scum who had done terrible things to other superhumans, and if Fiona was a more heartless person, she would have left them to their fate.

But Fiona was not a more heartless person. No matter how much of a tough act Fiona puts on, she is still a woman who cares about others to a large extent. And she cared about the people under her control more than she would ever dare to admit!

Fiona slammed her feet into the ground and shouted in exertion as she swung the people in her hand around and tossed them through the air!

They slammed into the ground a few meters away from the closing metal door, and Fiona shouted out to them when she saw that they were turning towards her in worry.

“Run, you fools!”

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