Fiona relayed Pat’s instructions to the scientists and nodded before telling Pat to begin.
[Are there more scientists behind those doors?]
[Is their number above fifty?]
[Above twenty?]
[Are there superhumans behind those doors?]
[Is their number above twenty?]
[Above ten?]
[Are any of the superhumans above A rank?]
[Is this where the superhuman experiments are being carried out?]
[Is there any anima behind those doors?]
[Are their numbers above twenty?]
[Are their numbers above fifty?]
[Holy shit.]
Fiona frowned when she heard Patrick curse. She could understand why he was shocked but they did not have time for that. Fiona spoke up calmly.
“Focus, child.”
[Yeah, yeah. Right. Is their number above seventy?]
[That means there should be about sixty of them. Is there any anima above calamity class?]
[Are there any more laboratories like this one down here?]
No answer.
Fiona frowned as the scientists didn’t give an answer and she told Pat that his question was not specific enough. Pat frowned and then changed the questions.
[Is this the only place where scientists can gather down here?]
[Is there an alarm in case of emergencies?]
[Good. Last question. Is there any way to contact Salazar or any other superhumans from the upper floors?]
Pat nodded and finished organizing a plan in his head while the clacking of his keyboard reverberated through the comms. Fiona asked Pat if he was finished with his questions and Pat told her he was.
“So, now what?”
[I have a plan. It’s basic, but it should work. I already guessed they couldn’t contact Salazar earlier when those two scientists said they were going to meet him. That means this place is completely cut off from the NSA building above. It also means that the alarm doesn’t alert anyone, instead, it shuts down the facility. empire
Can you control that many people and anima all at the same time with your blessing?]
Fiona frowned at Pat’s question. Normally, Fiona would be very confident in herself at a time like this. She knew that she was capable of handling calamities and since all the superhumans were below A rank she should be able to handle them easily. But that calamity class ant-headed anima from the island raid before made her realize her own limitations.
She knew that she wouldn’t be able to do it if an anima like that was inside that room.
“No. I can’t.”
[Then we need to get in there while making sure they don’t activate the alarm.]
“Alright, that’s nice to know. Give me a damn plan.”
Pat’s answer was immediate.
[You need to let them capture you.]
Fiona was able to get the full picture of what Pat meant from only those few words and she couldn’t help but sigh at the stupidly brilliant plan.
“This had better fucking work.”
“You know, I miss James. It hasn’t been that long since he died, so sometimes, when I sit at this table, I can still feel him in the office, watching over me.”
That’s creepy.
Jeanne frowned in discomfort as she fingered the glass of water that Salazar’s secretary brought for her while listening to Salazar talk about his misery. Jeanne felt her agitation rising even more when she heard Pat’s plan for getting into the lab over the comms. She wondered if Fiona would be okay.
“Jeanne, I understand that you had a deal with James that allowed you to handle any medical situation that you wanted so long as you joined the NSA. Am I right?”
Jeanne nodded while folding her hands. The deal that Jeanne made with the NSA a long time ago allowed her to go anywhere and do whatever she wanted whenever there wasn’t an emergency. But the moment the NSA called on her, she was meant to come back and help out.
“That was what I demanded for in my contract, yes. Is there an issue with it?”
“Oh, not at all. It’s just… one little thing. You see, things have been difficult in the country recently. I’m sure you’ve already noticed the recent increase in the number of anima that have been appearing in the city. All of them have been rather strong and the number of casualties from these appearances are quite significant.”
Jeanne knew that there had been a rise in the anima appearances. The amount of work on her shoulders has almost doubled from what it once was and the only reason why she wasn’t helping out at a medical center right now was because Pat asked for her help.
Salazar continued.
“But the civilians aren’t the only ones that have been suffering from this increase. The superhumans in the NSA that are constantly called on for aid have also seen a massive increase in workload and many of them have lost their lives. Morale had never been as low in this agency as it is at this moment. And that is why I have called on you today.
I believe that you signed a deal with the NSA not just because you want to help people, but because you believe that the NSA was best equipped to help you help others.
“Well, the NSA is now asking for your help. We need to bolster our forces as well as increase the morale of the people that have placed their faith in us. And nothing boosts faith more than a miracle can. Jeanne the Miracle Healer. We need you.”
Jeanne narrowed her eyes at Salazar while trying to understand what he was trying to say here. They needed her for what?
Wait, don’t tell me he’s saying what I think he’s saying.
“You want me to abandon my personal mission and return to a permanent position in the NSA?”
Salazar scrunched his face up in distaste.
“Well, I wouldn’t put it that way, exactly. You make it seem far worse than it is. We simply want you—temporarily—to return to the NSA and aid us in healing and boosting the morale of our own superhumans. Not only will this help us in boosting the morale of the superhumans in the NSA, it will also bring many more superhumans from other parts of the country into our ranks, bolstering us even more.
It’s a win-win as far as the country is concerned.”
“Don’t you mean as far as you are concerned? Is this the fucking bullshit you called me here for today? I don’t have to sit here and—”
[Jeanne, calm down and stall him. Fiona is not out yet.]
Jeanne sucked in a harsh breath and sighed as her brother’s voice came through the comms. She hated this fucking spy nonsense.
Salazar noticed Jeanne’s hesitation and he took that to mean that she was thinking, he decided to say something more.
“I can assure you that we will bring as many superhumans to you as we can. You won’t even feel the reduction in your workload when you are in the building. You will still be helping people every day.”
Jeanne scoffed.
“You’ll only bring the superhumans that you think are worth saving. That is the problem I have with your organization, you start off on the right path but in time your bias begins to bleed through. What will happen to the injured from other guilds who are incapable of healing themselves? What will you do for them?”
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