Chapter 356: The Facility Under The NSA

“I can get you in as far as the elevator, but from there you are on your own. I’ll go to Salazar’s office for our meeting and try to keep him there as long as possible.”

Jeanne and Fiona got out of Fiona’s car and calmly gazed at the NSA building while talking in hushed whispers. Fiona wore a pair of jeans and a fashionable t-shirt, while Jeanne wore her doctor’s lab coat over jeans and a white button-up shirt.

After the meeting Patrick had with Fiona, Taylor, and James before, Patrick managed to convince them that something shady was happening in the NSA building. At first, Fiona was very skeptical about Patrick’s ability to bring up anything substantial to her. Patrick was just a seventeen-year-old and not even a superhuman. Fiona didn’t think Patrick could convince her of anything at all.

But the more Fiona listened to Patrick, the more concerned she became as she heard all the points Patrick was bringing up. The first thing that made Fiona question the possibility that Patrick might be correct was how Pat connected the death of James to Salazar.

Pat explained how some of the information about the raid was falsified and that a lot more data should have been released to the superhumans going on the raid that was hidden in a secure server. Fiona knew that this was probably the truth since she experienced it firsthand. Fiona only heard from the NSA that there were a few Disaster class monsters on that island with barely any Calamity classes.

But the truth was very different. The monsters there would have killed them all if not for Mark stepping in, so Fiona knew that there was something shady about that.

Another point Pat brought up was how the NSA never spoke about the raid after its completion. They never even disclosed the truth about it to the government and instead told the government that the island was cleared out after a miscalculation led to the death of many superhumans.

What happened to the corpse of that ant-headed animal that almost eradicated all of them? What happened to the pod that Greg said was under the island?

Fiona was able to get the information about what happened in the island raid from Greg since Greg was the only one who followed Mark all the way to the end, so she knew that there was a giant pod that the anima were using for some sort of ritual.

But this was not the part that disturbed Fiona the most.

What disturbed her the most was the analysis that Jeanne carried out on the calamity class that Mark killed a few days ago. It was a mass of mutilated bodies mashed together and mutated into an anima corpse. If Fiona was a weaker woman, she would have vomited at the sight of the anima. ƒгeeweɓn૦

Fiona frowned in disgust just thinking about the legs and arms sticking out from the purple, multi-headed grotesque-looking thing.

Fiona was suddenly curious about the NSA and she wanted to find out for herself if what Patrick was saying was true or not. Was the NSA using superhumans to create anima?

Fiona first intended to just walk right into the NSA and demand to know the truth from Salazar using her blessing, but Patrick pointed out that Salazar could most likely shrug off Fiona’s blessing. No one has seen Salazar’s true power, and even his blessing was very vague.

It was written in the database that he had an ability related to the mind, but what his blessing could really do was never specified. So it would be dangerous to go in and try to control him. It would be easier for them to just sneak into the NSA and get proof of Salazar’s guilt. That way, the entire country would be against him, not just them.

“Fiona, did you get all that?”

Jeanne spoke up to make sure that Fiona heard everything she said and Fiona just waved her away nonchalantly while glaring at the NSA building. Jeanne and Pat were taking this very seriously, but as far as Fiona was concerned, this was just a small issue.

Fiona knew that there wasn’t anyone in the NSA building capable of withstanding her blessing, so finding out what was happening here should be easy.

Jeanne sighed once she saw Fiona wave her away and she heard Pat’s voice echo from the comm hidden in her ear.

[Tylor is standing by for support in case things get out of control. All three of you going in at the same time will surely alert Salazar that there is something going on, so it is best if he remains outside. Do you remember the layout of the building, Fiona?]

“Yes, child. I do.”

Fiona spoke up exasperatedly as she heard Pat asking her the same question again. The layout of the NSA building was something that they covered extensively last night. This was actually another reason why Fiona decided to check out the building rather than just confronting Salazar.

It turns out that there is a bottom layer to the building that was not specified on the blueprints released to the public.

Pat was able to hack into the NSA satellite a long time ago, and even though he is no longer in the system, he left a backdoor that he easily used to piggyback off the satellite before entering the server to get the blueprints and layout of the building.

After comparing the blueprints that were released to the public to the blueprint that the NSA had on their server, Pat found that there was a single corridor that cut off into empty space in the NSA building. The building blueprint was so large that any normal person would have missed something like that, but it was easy for Pat to find it once he compared the two blueprints.

Pat hacked into a satellite imaging system on the satellite and layered his own infrared diffuser on top of it in order to see just how large the NSA building really was and he saw that there was a large area of concrete layered under the main building. The concrete showed up as a completely blue structure on the infrared diffuser, which meant it was at least a hundred meters thick.

This couldn’t be the foundation of the building, so it had to be the roof of an underground facility that the building was built on top of.

This was the facility that Fiona was going to try and infiltrate.

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