Luna decided that she would refurbish a house and give it to Mark as a present. That might be a good idea.
Mark smiled.
“Thanks. You don’t need to worry about a gift, though. It’s too much of a hassle. So, did you come alone?”
Luna shook her head and mentioned that she came here with some of her guild members. Mark raised a brow while looking around to see if he would see anyone. But there were no superhumans in the common area other than the three of them, so Mark asked Luna where the guild members were. Luna blushed.
“They went to the festival. I already played some of the games at the stalls and I grew bored, so I decided to just come hang out here instead.”
Mark felt like facepalming. So she left the company of her guild members and all the games outside so that she could be alone in the common room and read manga on her phone? Who the hell does that!? Luna was the quintessential definition of an introvert!
Imagine spending all that money to come to a Japanese-themed festival and the only thing you want to do is sit on a couch and read Japanese-themed manga! You might as well have just stayed at home!
Mark shook his head in disbelief and looked down as he felt someone pull his kimono. Oh, he almost forgot about the kid.
James was holding onto Mark’s kimono tightly while hiding behind his leg, but there was nothing that could hide the awe in the little boy’s eyes as he stared up at Luna. James looked like a man who died and was greeted at the gates of heaven by an angel. Mark pat James on the head while talking to Luna.
“This here is James, he’s a friend’s kid. James, this is my friend, Luna.”
Mark introduced Luan, but James just nodded his head shyly without saying anything. Mark tapped James on the head a little.
“Come on, James, what do you say when you meet someone?”
James swallowed.
His voice was so low that any normal person would have completely missed it, but both Mark and Luna were able to catch it with their enhanced hearing. Luna smiled at James in greeting and James’ face grew impossibly hot as he hid behind Mark’s kimono in embarrassment. freewēbnoveℓ.com
Even as a child, James couldn’t believe how beautiful Luna was! Was this normal? She was like the angels he usually saw in his comics!
Mark saw James hide behind him and he smiled while turning to Luna jokingly.
“You’re scaring little kids now. Shame on you.”
“Shut up, you fiend. You scare way more children than I do.”
Mark laughed and Luna grinned as she enjoyed the small banter she had with Mark. Moments like this reminded her of the Game of Gods and all the time they spent together in their hideout. It was nice to be like this again, but it wasn’t going to last long as Mark suddenly spoke up.
“Well, I’ve gotta go. Arit and the rest are waiting for us. They’ll get worried if we’re late.”
Luna’s expression visibly dropped as she heard this and she tried to quickly think of a way to make Mark stay.
“Uhm, what are you guys doing?”
“Gaming. There’s this room where you can play games in groups. It’s pretty nice. They’re kicking my ass in Blur, but I have to admit it’s fun.”
Oh, Blur? Luna knew Blur! She could play Blur very well!
Luna played a lot of games in her time alone. She played Mario and Zelda, and she even played Tetris until she saw bricks in her dreams. Right now, Luna was trying to get past Malenia in Elden Ring, but it was extremely difficult.
Blur was one of those games that she heard about and decided to try on a whim, but it ended up being one of her favorite games. She managed to clear the entire game in less than two days!
Luna started to speak up, but there was an obvious hesitation in her tone as she spoke.
“Can I… Can I come with you?”
Luna felt her cheeks heat up when she finally managed to say those words and she had to avert her eyes from Mark’s piercing gaze when he raised a brow at her in curiosity. Luna knew that she was just imposing on Mark right now. She didn’t come with him to the festival and trying to join him in the gaming room might make things uncomfortable for the others.
But she didn’t want to just end this conversation like this. She wanted to keep talking to him. She didn’t care what they spoke about. She just wanted to talk to him.
If Mark told her that she couldn’t join them, then she would just accept it. She would die of embarrassment first, and she would probably just go back to her room and hide again, but she would still accept it. Luna wasn’t the sort of person to try and impose on someone else when they didn’t want it.
But Luna was stunned when Mark just shrugged nonchalantly while turning around and waving her on.
“The more the merrier, I guess. Come on.”
“Really!? I mean… okay, yeah. One moment.”
Luna quickly came around the couch to meet Mark and had to struggle to hide the large smile she could feel coming to her face. Her chest felt light and there was a wave of excitement threatening to burst out from her at that moment. She was going to play games with Mark!
They were about to leave the common area, but a loud voice and a flying girl suddenly appeared like a Pikachu!
Mark calmly dodged to the side and Tina flew past him and slammed into a wall beside him, creating a large dent where she landed. Luna facepalmed in annoyance as everyone in the common area immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to Tina in shock. Mark looked at the girl with a look of disbelief on his face before calmly speaking to Luna.
“I’m guessing she’s one of yours?”
Luna nodded while running her hand through her hair apologetically.
“Yeah, sorry. I totally forgot I brought her for the festival.”
“Tina, what the hell are you doing!? You’re embarrassing me in front of everyone! Get out of the damn wall!”
Turner ran into the common area with a look of embarrassment on his face as he shouted at Tina and Mark could tell that Turner was really uncomfortable with all the stares that they were getting from the civilians around. Maybe they should put a leash and bell on her or something. Tina was getting out of hand.
Turner finally noticed Mark and his eyes widened.
“Mark? What the hell are you doing here?”
Mark sighed as he turned to start walking back to the gaming room. Mark knew at that moment that his holiday was practically ruined. He answered Turner’s questions with the tone of a man who was tired of everything in life.
“I’m regretting some of my life choices.”
“We’re back.”
“Mark, you took a long… time?”
Arit turned around with a smile once Mark entered the room, but she was stunned once she saw all the people who were following Mark and James. Luna was standing beside Mark with a smile on her face while waving at Arit gently and Turner was grinning down at his unconscious sister while holding the bag of drinks that Mark bought.
Tina, meanwhile, was being dragged along by the back of her kimono by Mark. Her hands and feet had been tied using a chain and there was a gag over her mouth that prevented her from talking. From the way she was currently slumped over, Arit could tell that Tina had been knocked out.
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