The door to the classroom opened and in walked two people that made every single person in the room gasp in shock. There was one male and one female, they were the same height and they both had yellow hair and sharp blue eyes. If not for the sharp features on the boy’s face and the delicate curves on the girl’s body, anyone would think that they were the same person.

The girl had a mad grin on her face as she walked in with confidence and the boy had dark circles under his eyes as he strutted in calmly behind his sister.

“It’s the superhuman twins!”

Someone in the class finally shouted in elation as he stood up, and everyone in the class suddenly started to clap in excitement as they saw who their two new classmates were. Arit was completely confused as she watched the two new students standing in front of the class.

The boy had a stoic look on his face as he gazed over the crowd of students with sleepy eyes, but the girl’s eyes were basically dancing with electricity as she smiled and waved out to the applauding class.

For a moment, the blond girl met Arit’s gaze and it almost seemed like she grinned at Arit for some reason. Arit narrowed her eyes as the girl looked away.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough. I understand that you are all excited, but please try not to act out so rashly. Let the new students introduce themselves.”

The class finally calmed down when the teacher spoke up and the girl immediately stepped forward and waved excitedly to the class.

“My name is Tina Fey, but you can all just call me Tina. You might know me better by my superhuman name, Storm Knight! I like fighting and strong men who wouldn’t hesitate to kill me. If anyone wishes to fight me, then please just attack me!”

The entire class was deathly silent after hearing that introduction and there was only one thought on the minds of every one of them. Is she insane? Tina grinned and she quickly gestured to her brother with a flourish!

“And this here is Turner Fey! Y’all can call him TunTun! He’s my twin and partner in crime. You might know him better by his superhuman name, The Creator! If you have any broken phones or pencils, you can come to him and he’ll remake it for you in a flash!”

Turner gained a large tick mark on his forehead.

“I can introduce myself perfectly well, you idiot! Sigh~ I’m Turner Fey, call me Turner. Anyone who calls me TunTun is going to die. Secondly, don’t bring your broken shit to me. I’ll just shove it up your ass.” fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com




The class did not even know how to respond to that either. It was almost like Tina and Turner were from a world outside of the understanding of normal students! The teacher finally came up and clapped awkwardly.

“P-Please give a round of applause for our new students.”

A slow, lukewarm applause started to echo around the room and the students tried their best to clap even though most of them still looked completely baffled by the introductions. Arit was already bored with the new students and she was about to ask the teacher for permission to leave the class and look for Mark.

She would rather be out there looking for Mark than in here listening to the new students.


“Hope I’m not late – Oh, what the hell are you guys doing here?”

It was like something electric passed through the entire classroom at that moment! Every single person there felt their hair stand on edge as a massive lightning aura came to life around Tina immediately when she saw who opened the door!



Tina moved faster than the speed of sound as she bolted towards Mark! She jumped to give him a hug, but her form immediately changed as she transitioned into a roundhouse kick that would have decapitated Mark immediately!


Mark caught her leg and pulled back before tossing her across the class and through the window on the other side of the room!



“Fuck, he threw her out the window!”

“This is the third floor!”

All the students near that window immediately ducked to avoid getting hit by debris and the teacher stumbled back and fell to her ass as she watched her new student flying out from the window like a rocket. Turner put his hand on his forehead and sighed tiredly as he felt a headache coming.

But no one was worried about Tina at all because even with the brutal exit, everyone could still hear her laughing!

“Hahahahahahah~ That’s the man I love! You’re perfect!”


Mark calmly closed the door and everyone turned back to Mark as he put his hand in his pocket and frowned at Turner. Turner turned away from the scrutinizing look to see how far Tina had gone. Damn, Mark threw her like a fucking javelin.

“So you guys are the investigators, eh?”

Turner sighed.

“Yeah, I guess we are.”

Arit was completely confused as she watched Mark walk to his seat with a tired look on his face. So Mark knew the twins? Where did he meet them? And what was this Mark said about an investigator? Mark smiled at her and she tried her best to smile back at him. She handed him his books and Mark thanked her before leaning back in his seat to listen to the teacher.

‘Wait… What is that smell?’

Arit was able to catch a whiff of Mark’s cologne when he took the books from her. but the smell she got wasn’t what she expected at all. There was another scent mixed in with Mark’s cologne. Something fruity. Is that the smell of a woman’s cologne!?

‘Someone touched the KING! Someone put their dirty, disgusting, stupid hands on our KING! We need to hunt down this bitch and kill her!!’

Arit put her hand to her head and tried to calm down as she felt her hand tensing in response to the Queen’s anger. No, she shouldn’t blow this out of proportion. Arit knew that Mark hated people touching him, so she was sure that there was some perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this. Maybe Mark ran into someone and that person just happened to touch him.

Some bitch out there with too much cologne must have just gotten her dirty, disgusting, repulsive, disease-ridden hands on Mark.

Somewhere in the administrative block of the school, Luna felt a chill go down her spine. Your adventure continues at freewebnovel

“I’ll wash your uniform for you when we get back.”

Arit suddenly spoke up to Mark and Mark rose a brow as he eyed her curiously. What the hell did she mean? Mark brought up his hand to smell his uniform in case he already smelled bad, but he didn’t smell anything wrong and he started to wonder if Arit could smell something that he couldn’t. Was this one of those things women did that men just could never understand?

Arit was still giving Mark a hard stare and Mark finally nodded to tell her that she could do whatever she wanted.

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