Chapter 294: According To Biology, A Man Must Like Beer

Mark became slightly worried as he didn’t see Luna anywhere around. He turned to Ares to ask about it, but Ares waved it away.

“Your lass is somewhere else being taken care of by one of my minions. She’s a tough one, that child of Neptune. I’m impressed that she didn’t go crazy during the game. She won’t have any memories of the game after this, so you don’t need to worry about her. Just focus on your reward instead.”

So she was going to forget everything that happened? Mark did not know if he liked that. He forged a good friendship with Luna in the few days that they fought together and he didn’t want it all to just disappear like that. But he couldn’t complain since she was pulled into the game without her permission.

Erasing her memories of the game might be the best thing for her.

Ares spoke up again.

“So I promised to have a wish granted to the winners of the game. I initially planned to give you a skill and hand the wish over to your master. I only promised one wish, so it is up to you to decide now. Do you want to use the wish for yourself and hand the skill over to her, or do you want to give her the wish and keep the skill for yourself?”

Mark frowned at Ares. This cheap bastard. Why the hell did he only promise a single wish? Didn’t he make us into pairs in the game? The least he could have done was give us each a wish. Ares could almost hear Mark’s thoughts loudly from the looks that Mark was giving him, and Ares just shrugged with a grin.

“It’s my game and I can do whatever I want with it. I could have simply gone ahead with my initial plan without bothering to give you a choice, so you should be grateful. Now make your choice, boy. I don’t have all day.” Stay connected through

Mark sighed and scratched his hair while asking a question.

“What exactly can I do with the wish?”

“You can’t make a wish that affects your current blessing; that will betray the whole point of the game. I can grant you anything your heart desires, but keep in mind that the wish is very limited. Although the skill is going to be up to my discretion, I think the smarter choice is to go for that one. You understand what I am talking about, right?”

Mark had so many possibilities for what sort of things he could ask for. Mark couldn’t ask to be stronger and he couldn’t ask to be faster since that would affect his blessing, but he could ask for a lot more money. But he did not need all that; Mark already had a lot of money and he knew that he could get stronger and faster with his blessing easily.

[Comment from GoG: I’d suggest you go with the skill as well, Mark. Nothing you wish for can match up with a gift given by a god. It’s the smarter choice.]

Well, if even Sozin was saying this, then Mark really didn’t see an issue anymore. Honestly, Mark was not interested in using the wish at all. He would rather take the skill and hand the wish over to Luna. Mark finally told Ares what he wanted, and Ares nodded calmly as he waved his hand once and made it so.

Mark activated [True Sight]


Oh… that’s new. This was the first time that the system would give an error like that without even bringing up the True Sight template at all. Was this something that Ares did, or was it because Ares was just that much stronger than Mark?

“There’s no need to use your skill on me like that, boy. I am a god, so it could scramble your brain if you try to understand my powers with such a weak skill. I suppose I shouldn’t hold your apprehension against you. Your image of the gods has been skewed by Hades and that joker Sozin. Come, we have a lot to talk about.”

Ares stood up from the barrel, and Mark was surprised to notice that he was taller than the god of war. Ares wasn’t short at all, but Mark just didn’t think that Ares would be shorter than him.

Ares came over and put his hand around Mark’s shoulder. It was a little comical to see someone shorter putting his hand over the shoulder of someone taller, but Mark’s eyes widened in shock once he felt Ares’ hand on his shoulder! Mark stumbled forward as he felt the weight of an entire mountain suddenly landing on him!

Ares was obviously not trying at all to put any weight on Mark, but just putting his hand around Mark’s shoulder was enough to make Mark stumble!

“Hmm? Was that too much? Maybe I didn’t reduce my power enough. Sorry about that. I can never tell how weak you mortals really are.”

Ares apologized calmly as he watched Mark get back to his feet. Mark noticed that the weight on his shoulder did not reduce, but after some time, he got used to the weight of the mountain and eventually stood straight again. Ares grinned as he pulled Mark towards the bar and made him sit on one of the chairs there. Ares went behind the counter and poured two cups for them.

He dropped one in front of Mark, and Mark looked down warily at the foaming cup of beer.

“I can’t drink.”

Ares glanced at Mark once he heard him say that. What? Was there something wrong with the beer?

“You don’t like beer, boy? Every man should like beer; it is ingrained in biology. Maybe your tongue has been soiled by the bad alcohol you mortals make. This here was brewed by Dionysus himself! Take a sip and tell me what you think.”

Mark was obviously still very reserved as he glanced around the bar once more without touching the glass on the table.

“It’s a law from my world. I can’t drink till I’m eighteen. I’m underage.”

You could hear a pin drop in the room before Ares suddenly laughed heartily as he held his stomach! Ares couldn’t believe what he just heard! Underaged! Someone capable of such feats of raw power still held himself back because of something like age!?

It wasn’t that Mark cared about his age, it was just that he didn’t trust Ares enough to take anything edible from him and Mark just used his age as an excuse.

Once Ares was finished laughing, he downed his glass before also drinking the beer that he poured for Mark! He then slammed his hand on the table with a smile on his face.

“How did you enjoy using my armor, boy?”

Mark couldn’t stop his hand from twitching. Ares easily noticed that Mark was now guarded, and he grinned wider.

“Don’t be so tense, boy. I am not the first god that pesky Sozin has stolen from, and I surely won’t be the last. I simply wish to know if you enjoyed using my armor. It is one of a kind and I at least want it to be put to good use.”

Mark nodded.

“It is very useful.”

Ares slapped his hand on the table heartily as he laughed again.

“Yes, it is! It can change into any shape you want it to, so it is the perfect camouflage armor. It is too bad that I have no use for it since it is so weak. I would’ve killed you to get it back had it been more useful.”

Mark squeezed his hand into a fist as he tried not to be affected by the casual threat from Ares. Hearing someone else say something like that would usually not affect Mark at all, but hearing it from a literal god of war was enough to put fear into his heart. After some time, Ares suddenly turned serious as he leaned forward on the table.

“So, boy, tell me the truth, are you happy with that joker Sozin?”

Mark’s eyes narrowed.

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