Chapter 239: Dangerous Thoughts

George turned away from Sasha after he was done shouting at her and he put his hands together and smiled while coming towards Mark. Mark was already tensed from the fight and the confrontation with Gunter, but for some reason, when he looked down at the little man, Mark could feel all his tension disappearing immediately.

The man was just so small and he had no danger in his presence at all, so it was impossible to be on guard around him.

“GH – I mean, Mark Vanitas. I’m very glad to see that you are safe and sound. It was truly magnificent to watch you tear down such a beast. Your power speaks of your great potential. Your scoring will soon be done, and you can view it at your convenience. Would you like to wait for it here, or would you want to be taken back home in one of the cars?

Whatever you want, we can cater to it with immediate effect.”

The deputy director was kissing Mark’s ass like mad at this point!

George knew that if Mark wanted to press charges against them for giving him an ELDRITCH class monster to fight in a simple assessment, then they would lose! The deputy director did not want this to reach the ears of the director at all, so he just wanted to handle everything here once and for all!

“Hey, shorty, can’t you see that we’re talking here?”


George suddenly shrieked in fear as he noticed that Gunter was in the room. Gunter leaned down and looked right at George, and George almost had a heart attack at that moment! He stumbled back in fear and was about to fall over, but his secretary reacted quickly and caught him before he could fall before putting him back on his feet like nothing happened! Mark was impressed by her speed.

With how fast she reacted, she is probably an A rank.

“G-Gunter, apologies. I didn’t see you there. You’re just so tall, I could barely see your body at all.”

A choked laugh got caught in Mark’s throat when he heard George say that, and he had to cough to the side to prevent it from coming out. He noticed Luna staring at him disapprovingly, and he just gave her a smile that made her smile as well. Luna mouthed a silent ‘Great job’ to him, and Mark nodded in thanks as he watched her turn and leave the room quietly.

Gunter looked down at the much smaller man, and he felt all the fight leave his body at that moment. George was just so small that it didn’t feel right to do anything violent in front of the tiny man. He was just so unassuming.

Gunter spoke up to Mark just before leaving.

“I’ll leave the invitation open for you to join my guild. If you ever change your mind and you want to join a guild that can really help you, then the RAVAGERS will be waiting for you.”

Gunter turned to the side to look at the examiner’s booth, and Fiona felt her entire body lock up in fear as she felt the full force of Gunter’s attention pressing down on her. She had one hand behind her back, and she tightened that hand into a fist so hard that her nails dug into her palm, and she started to bleed. She couldn’t show any weakness here.

Not after Mark had given her an opportunity to raise the status of her guild! She had to stand strong and prove to everyone that she deserved to have someone like Mark in her guild! She would not back down now that she had someone like Mark in her guild!

After a few moments without seeing a reaction from Fiona, Gunter just clicked his tongue and turned away from her to leave the room. What a fucking annoyance.

“Do you have a bath here?”

Mark suddenly spoke up, and George smiled as he turned to his secretary.

“Mary, please show him to the best room we have.”

Mary nodded gently before she began to lead Mark out of the room. Mark and Mary walked for a while before they got to a lobby that would lead them to the elevators on the other side of the building. They were about to start moving towards the elevators, but a voice stopped Mark in his tracks and made him turn around immediately.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the one and only Mark Vanitas. It’s been quite a while since we last met. How have you been?”

A great tension formed in Mark’s right arm, and he had to tighten it immediately to prevent himself from lashing out with the right hook that he had already executed in his head. Mark turned around and stared right into the eyes of the man he wanted to kill more than anyone in the world.


“Mark, you don’t look very happy to see me.”

Salazar smiled at Mark jovially while stretching his hand out for a handshake, but Mark remained perfectly still while ignoring the offered hand. Salazar retracted his hand after he realized that Mark was not going to give him that handshake. Salazar only smiled wider.

“I heard you came here for your assessment, and I hoped that we would run into each other since it has been so long. From the buzz I can feel in the air, your assessment must’ve gone very well. Tell me, how strong are you now?”

Mark’s face was perfectly stoic, but his mind was racing.

There are too many people in here. Three bodyguards behind Salazar from the NSA, Mary, as well as multiple agents from the Superhuman Alliance loitering around. From my estimation, it will take about five minutes for me to kill Salazar. That amount of time is too short. The superhumans in here can stop me in less than three minutes since most of them are A ranks and above.

There is an exit right behind Salazar. If he runs through it, then I will be restrained and sentenced for attacking him without provocation, and I still won’t get to kill him. I don’t know why he is here or the layout of this building. It will be hard for me to wait for him in a secluded place and attack him then. Maybe outside? He will be unguarded, and he might even let his guard down temporarily.

I have to wait.

Patience is the key.


‘I want to fucking wring his neck like a washcloth.’

Mark spoke up emotionlessly.

“It was nice to meet you, but I have to be on my way. Excuse me.”

Mark turned to walk away, but he was stopped once more as he heard Salazar speak up.

“I also heard that you were attacked by the Superhuman killer, but you ended up killing him instead. Truly, your good luck just seems to keep piling up these days. I hope it doesn’t run out anytime soon. That would be unfortunate.”

Mark didn’t bother giving him a response as he continued making his way to the elevators.


“Yes, sir?”

“Do you have a gym I can use here?”


The elevator opened and Mary scrunched up her face in confusion at the weird question as the both of them entered the elevator, but she still answered calmly.

“Of course, sir. May I ask why? I thought you would want to rest after going through your assessment.”

Mark growled somewhere deep in his throat, and Mary felt her core tremble as she heard the sound. She managed to keep her face stoic and to control herself to not show any reaction as Mark spoke up with a sneer on his face.

“I need to let off some steam.”

Mary swallowed at his dangerous tone and a small blush appeared on her face as she spoke up. No matter how stoic she was, she was still a woman. She couldn’t help but be affected by how Mark was talking right now. There was a dangerous undertone in his voice that just excited her subconsciously.

“Of course, sir. I know just the place.”

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