Another massive dust cloud rose from the ground as a barrage of bullets struck the area where Mark was standing! Mark dug his toes into the ground and bolted forward once he heard the bullets stop! There was a small gap between when the centipede threw the first barrage and when it threw the second one, so Mark could only hope that the centipede needed some time to rest between barrages!

Mark raced towards the centipede’s stomach, and the centipede roared in anger as it immediately dropped its body forward to try and crush Mark under its weight!


But Mark was already expecting that, and he applied a massive amount of mana to his legs and dashed to the side! Mark blasted off the ground at the same moment that the centipede slammed its body into the floor, and Mark used that opportunity to twist himself and position his body right over the spot where the centipede’s third segment was located.

‘Come on! Come on! Come on! If I don’t use everything, I’m really going to die here!’

[Current Power Output: 100%]

[Critical Hit]!!!


[Mana: 200/1220]

The ground quaked uncontrollably as Mark delivered a massive punch right into the centipede’s weak spot, and the centipede roared in anger as it shook its body around and threw Mark off it. But underneath all that anger, Mark could also hear a little bit of pain echoing through!

The first punch that Mark delivered didn’t really do much damage at all, but that does not mean that it had no effects on the centipede. It softened up that area enough that Mark was able to deliver a much deeper punch with his second blow!

The centipede rolled its body around erratically before it suddenly started to dig its way underground! Mark landed on the ground and put his hands on his knees to catch his breath as he watched the centipede literally bury itself inside the ground! There was a hundred-meter diameter hole in the ground where the centipede went into, and when Mark looked down at the hole, he saw nothing but darkness.

It was not yet over.

“Mark, we can end the test here – !”

“Don’t you fucking dare!”

Mark’s stern tone cut Alec off before Alec could say much, and the man was forced to keep quiet as Mark looked around for any signs that the Anima would be coming up again. Mark hasn’t had a fight like this since he fought against that Cerberus that almost ended his life in the underworld, and Mark was not going to give this up for anything.

As far as Mark was concerned, he was going to kill this fucking bug if it was the last thing he did!

The people watching from the assessment room were practically holding their breaths in anticipation to see how things would go. Luna and Gunter were the ones who understood what was happening the most since they had also faced off against Eldritch Anima before. They knew just how easy it would be for the Eldritch to kill Mark if he let down his guard for even a second!

Luna wanted Mark to end the test immediately, but when she heard Mark telling Alec to not end the test, she knew that nothing would stop Mark from fighting.




The ground under Mark’s feet exploded, and Mark was thrown into the air as the massive centipede roared its way out from underground! The centipede rose to its full height, taller than a skyscraper with a mouth large enough to swallow a car in one gulp! Its mouth was open wide right under Mark, and Mark immediately knew that he was about to get shot!


The centipede unloaded on Mark like a machine gun, and Mark’s mouth split into a grin as he slowly lost control over his own body! His body shifted to the left as he spun around the bullets and appeared right over the weak spot that he had already weakened with two blows!

[Death God’s Ignorance] has been activated.

You thought that Mark had been running all this while for no reason?

Of course not! Mark had been running for this exact moment! Mark wanted to lure the centipede into a false sense of security! He tried his best to make sure that he didn’t activate the death god’s ignorance while also making sure that the centipede thought that its next attack would end him! That way, the centipede wouldn’t think twice about putting all of its effort into its next attack!

And the fucker fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!

[Current Power Output: 100%]

The world around Mark dilated into monochrome as space seemed to gather in front of his fist! A large bubble of black covered the world before it concentrated right in front of Mark as he unleashed his most powerful punch on the centipede!

[Divergent Fist]!

[Lightening Surge]!!




[Mana: 10/1220]

The impact of Mark’s one hundred percent divergent fist was so intense that his fist tore a hole right through the segment of the centipede, sending Mark crashing into the ground like a rocket! The ALTERWORLD shook from the impact, and everyone watching could only hold their breaths in shock as they watched the great Eldritch class monster fall to the ground!


Mark pulled himself off the ground after the monster fell, and he sat down and rested his back against the monster’s carcass as he sighed a breath of relief and a wide smile grew on his face. He looked at his mana gauge, and he realized that he would have been dead meat if that last attack hadn’t ended the anima when it did.

If the anima survived that attack, then Mark wouldn’t have any more mana to launch another attack of that scale.

Mark couldn’t help but chuckle deep in his throat as he put a hand over his eyes and sighed.

“That was fun.”

[Hidden Mission Passed]

The user has completed the hidden mission [Defeat the Low-Level Eldritch Class Monster]

The rewards will be distributed immediately.

Rewards: +500 Stat Points +500 Skill Points

The user has gained a new Artifact [Armor of Ares – S]

[Armor of Ares: The Armor of Ares, stolen from Ares by the god of games, Sozin, grants the user a 50% resistance to all physical attacks below EPIC Rank.]


-50% Damage from all Physical Attacks Below EPIC Rank.

– 10% reduction in the user’s Agility

The armor of Ares is capable of morphing into any shape desired by the user but must be worn over the chest in order to fully activate it.

Mark read through all the rewards he got for killing his first Eldritch class monster, and he couldn’t help but be pleased with himself as he saw how many points he got from just taking down this one monster. But Mark couldn’t believe that this was just a low-ranked Eldritch class monster.

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