Name: Sasha Palmer

Race: Human

Title: The Warden

Rank: EPIC Rank I

Potential: S

Description: An eccentric woman blessed by Atlas, the guardian and bearer of the world. She possesses the rare ability to store creatures she has defeated in her special world and she can summon and use them in battle whenever she wishes.

Although she is not a part of any organization in America, she has been known to help out the NSA during very dangerous missions that involve monsters above calamity class.

Affiliation: Unlawful Neutral.

Mark read through her stats and he was impressed when he saw that she was also in the EPIC Rank I. Well, it was understandable since she was also one of the SOVERIGN. Mark was still on the lookout for anyone that was already at EPIC Rank II.

I don’t think there can be anyone who has already gotten to EPIC Rank II because of how high the requirements are. You would have to be an insane fighter to get there this quickly.

Mark was not even considering his own progress at that moment. Moving from Rank A to almost an EPIC Rank I in less than six months was already extremely impressive and at the rate he was going, if he didn’t die to a monster during any of his fights, he would get to EPIC Rank II before the year was over.

But as for EPIC Rank I, such a level was not far from his reach anymore.

“So you’re the infamous GHOST. Strange, I thought you would be more… imposing. I’m a bit underwhelmed.”

The woman walked up to Mark, put her hands behind her back, and leaned forward as she gazed up at him curiously. Mark tilted his head to one side and glanced down at her with a nonchalant gaze.

“I didn’t think your opinion about how I appear matters at all. What are you doing right now?”

Sasha grinned and took a step back from Mark while looking to Alec at the side.

“I’m Sasha Palmer. My blessing is what makes all this possible. Hey, Alec, let me handle this one.”

Sasha had a blessing that gave her control over her own dimension. She could trap any anima that she kills in that parallel world and summon them whenever she wanted to use them to fight. It was her blessing that allowed the Superhuman Alliance to constantly summon anima in this test room for the examinees to fight.

Alec frowned as he brought his notepad up.

“This will mess up my schedule, Sasha. I planned to finish up this test and immediately move towards another assessment. Can’t you see that many others are waiting to have their turn?”

Sasha waved Alec away like he was talking nonsense and she stared up at Mark with that wide smile still on her face.

“It’s rare for the head of the superhuman registration department to carry out an assessment himself, isn’t it? Admit it, you were also curious about Mark Vanitas. You want to know what the hype was all about. So if we’re going to do it, isn’t it only right that we do it in the right way? There’s no need to take things easy with this one. He seems sturdy.”

Alec frowned at Sasha, but he didn’t argue against what she said. Alec only came here for this test because GHOST was the one being tested. Normally, Alec would never involve himself in the test for superhumans since there were many other officials in the Superhuman Alliance who could handle it. Honestly, Alec was extremely curious to see how strong GHOST really was.

There was a brief moment when Sasha turned and caught sight of Luna standing at the side and waiting for Mark. Sasha raised a brow as she realized that there were currently three undefined standing in a room for the first time in a long while. What the hell was going on here? Three undefined standing by just to see the assessment of this one boy?

“There’s three of us here just for you? Aren’t you the important one? I guess I’m not the only one thinking about what sort of potential you possess.”

Mark raised a curious brow and Sasha waved Mark’s curiosity away as she told Mark to forget about it. She still had that coy smile on her face as she leaned back and took a few steps away from Mark, and Mark just watched her as he wondered what the hell was on this woman’s mind.

Normally, it would be extremely difficult to have three of the SOVERIGN in one room at the same time. But there were three of them right here, and it was all because Mark was about to take his assessment. Sasha had been in the middle of giving her report when she was told that Mark was about to do his test.

Even though she was not part of a guild, Sasha was still required to come and give her report since she was just too strong to be left alone without the government knowing what she was up to.

Once she heard that Mark was doing his test, Sasha immediately left in the middle of her report and came here. She had heard too much about Mark for her to not be curious about what his ranking would be.

From the amount of power that she could feel from Mark, Sasha knew that there was no way that Mark would not be an S rank.

But would he be able to become an undefined?

That was the question on everyone’s mind.

“Sigh~! Fine, I’ll allow you to handle things here. I’m only giving you ten minutes though, so you better finish it as quickly as possible. If you surpass the time, then you are going to start paying for my time out of your pocket.”

Sasha grinned at the lame joke that Alec made and Alec didn’t bother to wait for her response as he flashed across the room in a burst of speed that was completely unnoticeable by anyone. But this time, Mark was able et get a better look as Alec moved, and Mark realized that Alec was just walking at super speed to get to the other side of the room.

He was only walking and he could already move that fast!? What would happen if he was running!?

Mark knew that was one hell of a broken ability. Can anyone beat someone who could move at nearly five times the speed of sound? Before you can even try to come up with a plan of attack, he would have already blitz you and the fight would be over in seconds.

‘Well, if I use the True Sight, I should be able to see him move, but just barely. And if I add in the Demonic Killer’s aura, it might slow him down even more. No, the Demonic Killer’s Aura wouldn’t work. It would be more sensible to just boost my own speed to the max using Mana. That might be the only way I can keep up with that speed. Ah, I want to fight him.’

“-taking this somewhere else. Are you zoning out on me?”

Sasha spoke up when she noticed that Mark was no longer listening to what she had been saying. Mark looked down at the shorter woman calmly and he did not quell under the force of her stare. Mark had totally zoned out, but he just raised a brow at her and she narrowed her eyes at him as she repeated herself.

“Don’t get disoriented. I’m taking this somewhere else.”


Mark was curious about what she meant by that, but his questions were immediately answered as a wide magic circle opened under his feet. Mark blinked once and the next time he opened his eyes, he was no longer in the large hall.

Mark was standing in the middle of an empty road.

‘No, not a road. This is a bridge.’fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓

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