Chapter 174: Anima Don’t Just Appear Out Of Nowhere, Right?

It was a perfectly normal school day for Mark, and from how well things had been going, it seemed like the day would end with nothing eventful happening just like the previous day. Mark’s head was down on his desk, and he had already dozed off since the start of class.

Beside him, Arit was busy taking down notes for him and herself while making sure that she did not miss anything that the teacher said.

The teacher, a tall lanky man with a receding hairline, was in the middle of explaining how to use axioms in an English sentence. The teacher was completely ignoring Mark as he taught because all the teachers in the school were already used to Mark’s attitude towards school.

Even before they knew that Mark was superhuman, Mark was already known for sleeping throughout class, and he was someone that everyone decided to just ignore since trying to make him stay awake in the class was an impossible task. And really, they were all just afraid of him because of how tall and strong he looked. What if they tried to wake him up and he punched them!?

And now that they knew that he was superhuman, the chances of them trying to wake him up were even lower than before, and there was nothing that would make them disturb him when he was in this state.



“Oh my god!”

“Earthquake! it’s an earthquake! Get under your tables!”

“Shut the hell up and look outside, you duffus! There was an explosion!”

“Fucking hell! Don’t tell me that is an anima attack! This close to school!?”

The entire class shouted out in shock as they felt a massive explosion go off in the distance! The entire room shook and vibrated from the explosion, and the teacher had to hold onto the table in front of him to prevent himself from falling over. Before the explosion even passed, the students all felt fear fill their hearts as they heard a massive roar echo throughout the school region!

That was definitely an anima roar! Was there an anima close to the school!? The roar from the anima sounded like it came from right beside them, and the students all started to get up from their seats to take a look outside the classroom and see what was going on.

Mark blinked once he heard the explosion in the distance, and he put his hand to his ear as he sat up immediately. He was already wide awake, and there was no residual grogginess from him sleeping at all! If you saw him, you wouldn’t even think that he had been sleeping a few seconds ago!

New Mission:

Defeat the Calamity Class Anima. Civilian Casualties are allowed.

Rewards: +100 stat points, +100 skill points

Failure: -100 stat points from a random stat.

Mark read through his system notification quickly, and he immediately spoke once Patrick picked up his phone on the other end of the call.


[Yeah… what is it?]

Mark furrowed his brow in surprise as he noticed the genuine curiosity in Pat’s voice. Don’t tell me Pat doesn’t know about this yet. Pat was usually the one telling Mark about anima attacks before Mark even learned about them, so it was surprising that Pat didn’t know anything about this at all!

“There’s an attack close to my school. Check it out and tell me what it’s all about.”

Mark didn’t allow Pat’s confusion to slow him down as he glared into the distance to get a good look at what was happening using his enhanced sight. Mark could hear Pat hum in surprise as the sound of clicking echoed through the call once more.

Pat opened the link that he made to the citywide CCTV cameras, and his eyes widened in shock as he saw the giant anima that was in the middle of the city! What the fuck is that thing doing there!? And where the fuck did it even come from!? Pat knew that anima don’t just appear out of nowhere! They had to have come from somewhere before they would reach the city!

But there was nothing signifying where this anima came from! There was no path of destruction that would show the direction that it appeared from, nor was there a distinguishing feature like wet skin that would tell Pat that it came from the ocean! It was like the anima just teleported into the middle of the city!

That was why Pat was not able to find out about the anima before Mark called. The anima appeared in City A, but Pat was currently in school in City D, so he couldn’t feel the tremors from the anima. Pat usually relied on the news outlets as well as his camera to tell him if there was an anima attack, but the news outlets were not yet releasing anything since the anima attack was so sudden!

[Mark, yeah there’s an attack. Large rhinoceros-based anima, definitely a Calamity Class, probably high-level. I just looked through the guild patrol logs and there isn’t a single superhuman above B rank in that region. The strongest superhuman is a low-level B rank from the Green Hornets guild. They are going to be decimated.

I don’t know where the anima came from, there are no trails showing its initial movement, but we’ll deal with that later. Go tear this thing apart first.]

Mark didn’t need to hear anything more as he unbuttoned his school uniform quickly!

One of the students who were staring out the window turned around as she saw Mark taking off his school uniform, and she immediately shouted in excitement as she watched him bring out his mask!

“We’re saved! GHOST is on the move!”

“Tear that anima apart GHOST!”

“I can’t believe he doesn’t even take anything with him! He really just fights like that without any weapons!”

“I’m rooting for you GHOST! You’re the best!”

“YEAH! Go teach that anima a lesson GHOST!”

The entire class started to chant and hail Mark as they saw him prepare, and Mark just tuned them all out as he turned around and handed his school shirt to Arit. Mark could see the worry in Arit’s gaze, but Arit gave Mark a confident nod and mouthed ‘good luck’ to him kindly, and Mark smiled behind his mask as he leaped up to the windowsill and jumped out from the class and into the air!

“GHOST is on the move!”

“Look up there! GHOST is going to deal with the anima!”




After Mark jumped out of the class, he noticed that his classmates weren’t the only ones leaning out from their windows to watch the destruction happening in the distance. It felt like every single student in the school was trying to get a glimpse of what was happening.

There hadn’t been an announcement from the public address system yet warning them to go into hiding, so they were using this opportunity to satisfy their curiosity.

But once Mark leaped out from his window, the students couldn’t keep their excitement in check as they all started to chant Mark’s name like they were watching their favorite football team going to win the cup finals!

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