Water Mana and Wind Mana, according to the complexities of Mana Theory, were both considered Yin-aligned Elements. Fire and Earth were the opposite.

Something like wood, being a fusion of Earth and Water Mana, could take on the characteristics of both.

Many old men and women spent countless years of their lives studying these sorts of things, so even Theron wouldn’t claim that he completely understood. Also, these sorts of affinities didn’t start making real sense until one reached much higher levels of cultivation.

The main point was that plants could take on a path based on their circumstances. If above ground everything looked so bright and inviting, then the concentration of Yin must be below ground.

In which case…

Theron closed his eyes, and his Water Mana shifted.

In the far off distance, Vibra was paying attention to Theron from time to time, but the bulk of her focus was on Nara and Vaelen. They were also her star students, of course.

Plus, though she spoke like she would leave them all to die if they made a mistake, she would certainly step in if something went wrong. So she was on high alert.

But when she saw what Theron was doing, her heart almost shut down.

How is that possible…?’

Theron didn’t move for a full half hour. By this point, he was not only the furthest behind, but Nara and Vaelen were already near the exit, moving faster and faster in a rush to be first. Though, this pace was just relative. Their actual movement speed was still slower than a leisurely walk.

Even the weakest of the class was already at the 75% point.

From time to time, some would look back at Theron and shake their heads. They couldn’t even understand how a First Year was allowed to be here, much less participate in such an assessment.

However, after so long, they just stopped looking at all. They had their own improvement to focus on.

But then Theron opened his eyes and began to move.

His nose twitched every few seconds, his eyes rapidly scanning as spheres of water rotated around him. These spheres subtly rippled and informed his movement.

As he grew comfortable, he moved faster and faster, but unlike Nara and Vaelen, this wasn’t a difference of a slow crawl and a slow walk. Theron had started off at a confident stride, and then seemed to enter a power walk, only to begin to jog.

It looked like he could have gone even faster if he wanted, but it was entirely unnecessary.

His feet seemed to barely graze the grass at some point.

The current last place, a chubby young man who went by Torvek, looked back out of boredom, feeling like he needed a break. But when he saw Theron coming, his eyes widened.

"Hey! It’s dangerous! What are you doing!?"

Torvek’s outcry caught the attention of many others, and the third person in the class who needed to be saved appeared. Vibra vanished in a flash, caught them, and soon a pale-faced youth was placed by her side.

More and more gazes flickered to Theron, with even Nara and Vaelen being no exception.

But then a few seconds passed, and then half a minute, and then a full minute.

Theron showed no signs of being attacked.

Theron himself ignored the words and glances. He was focused on his nose and sight, the spheres of water around him being almost an afterthought. He hadn’t forgotten the real reason he came to this class.

This boost to his Water Mana Control was just a bonus. He didn’t think it would have such an interesting application… maybe he should thank Raiden for that.

He also didn’t know just how floored Vibra was. Of course, as a Gold Mancer, she recognized what Theron was doing. But… that was something that even Gold Water Mancers struggled to do even with a lifetime of experience.

Nara and Vaelen suddenly realized that they might be overtaken if they were too casual and started pressing. They couldn’t lose, they definitely couldn’t lose.

It was useless.

Theron glided by them not even five minutes later, landing before Teacher Vibra and giving her a light bow.

"Thank you for your teachings, Teacher."

"I…" Vibra blinked. "… Do you understand what you’ve done?"

Theron looked up at her in confusion.

Seeing this gaze, Vibra’s lip twitched and then she calmed down.

"Explain it to me. What did you just do? In your own words."

"… I noticed that the field had a strong Yin character and that was where most of the danger came from, so I found a method to detect it with my Water Mana and avoid the threats when they appeared."

It was indeed as Vibra thought, but the three students who had failed by her side could only look in confusion. Yin? Since when did this field, so bright and cheerful, have a Yin character?

"Yes, but how?"

"Water Mana has a strong polarity to it if you know how to trigger it. I found out recently that by controlling this polarity, I can force it to have various effects," Theron said simply. "Having it react to strong Yin forces seems to be one of them."

Directing and trapping Lightning Mana was another. But there was no need for him to say that out loud.

"Fascinating… truly fascinating… you, Little Theron…" Vibra shook her head, almost forgetting she had other students for a moment.

In the end, she chose to bite back the words she wanted to say.

"Well done. You may go and enjoy the rest of your day."

"Thank you, Teacher."

Theron bowed once more and left.

Vibra looked at his back, shaking her head slowly.

What sort of monster was this? How could a person have such control without Imbued Resonance from a bloodline? It didn’t make sense.

Theron returned to his dorm with a calm expression. He was close. Today, he had recognized many of the scents within the Verdant Bloomstone. He was about 90% of the way done.

But… there seemed to be some particularly unique scents remaining. His intuition was telling him that it was unlikely he would find them within the Fourth Year Botany Class.

’I’ll have to find another method.’

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