Chapter 602 - 602 - The Knight and the Cat

Chapter 602 -602 – The Knight and the Cat

At the front of the group stood their leader, a figure clad in heavy white armor who named himself TheKnight.

“All right, let’s move. Blend in with the crowd and strike when the opportunity arises!” TheKnight ordered.

The forty players marched through the unusually quiet streets of the capital. Most citizens were either at the town hall celebrating or occupied with their own routines, leaving the roads eerily still.

As they continued, their steps slowed. Something strange appeared in the distance, catching their attention.

“What is that?”


Ahead of them, in the middle of the street, stood… a cat? A little cat? Or so it seemed at first glance. But there was something unnatural about it. Tendrils of shadow curled around its form, and its glowing red eyes stared directly at the group.

“There are no monsters in the city, you idiot!” TheKnight snapped. “It’s probably just some stray cat. Don’t waste time, keep moving!”

As they drew closer, the little cat became clearer, capturing the attention of the group.

“Why are we stopping?” someone asked.

“It’s just a little cat,” another replied.

“Look at it! So cute.”

“That’s a spirit beast, isn’t it?” someone suddenly exclaimed. “That’s got to be someone’s spirit!”

“But this one has horns… and it’s kind of adorable.”

“Do you think the spirit’s here to attack us?”

“Why should we hesitate just because of a single spirit?” another declared. “Even the spirit’s owner doesn’t seem brave enough to show themselves!”

“Can we capture this spirit?”

“Of course not, dumbass!”

TheKnight stepped forward. “Tell me, who is your master?”

The cat raised its head slightly and, to everyone’s shock, replied, “My master said I can kill you all without mercy.”

TheKnight’s eyes widened, more amused than afraid. “Woah… A talking cat? Let’s take a closer look at this kitten. I think someone’s playing a hero here. Tell me, where is your master? If they’re so brave, let them face us!”

He leaned closer, bending over to look the cat in the eye. “Hey, little kitty, why don’t you come with us instead? Aren’t you ashamed to belong to such a cowardly master?”

But TheKnight was oblivious to what was happening behind him. As he admired the cat, a notification appeared in front of him. His heart sank as he realized something horrifying-his party members were disappearing one by one.

“What the…?”

Looking behind, he was greeted by a terrifying sight. Countless shadows had risen from the darkness, dragging his friends into the abyss, their screams muffled by the engulfing void. “Damn!” he shouted, spinning around.

But it was too late. The little cat had opened its mouth impossibly wide, revealing rows of shadowy teeth, and in one swift motion, it swallowed him whole.


That night, Constantine stood near Slumdon Town, exuding confidence as he oversaw the assault. He fully grasped the magnitude of the operation but remained assured of its success. “There’s no one in this stupid town,” he said. “All the members of the Vensalor Guild are in the capital, naive and foolish enough to leave their town completely unguarded.”

He didn’t even need to personally participate in the assault, content to observe from a safe distance while others carried out the plan he had meticulously designed.

“Nothing can thwart my plans tonight. Nothing!”

“The plan is simple! Let’s reduce Slumdon Town to ashes!”

As a Champion of Wrath, Constantine was blessed with an extraordinary gift: Wrath Incarnate. This blessing allowed him to transform into a giant-sized version of himself, dramatically increasing his size and strength for a limited time.

In this mode, not only did his physical strength skyrocket, but his stats received a massive boost. Wrath Incarnate also enabled him to wield multiple types of weapons simultaneously, making him nearly impossible to counter.

Constantine was a force to be reckoned with, capable of adapting to any situation and taking on any opponent with ease.

Unlike other Divine Champions who often showcased their abilities in public, Constantine kept the full extent of his powers a closely guarded secret. This left many guessing, and often underestimating what he was truly capable of.

While he openly admitted his ability to utilize multiple classes and weapon types, anyone who had faced him in battle quickly learned the truth. No one who had encountered Constantine’s wrath first hand would dare to challenge him a second time.

That night, Constantine didn’t come alone. He had brought several of his guild members to ensure that this mission, the complete destruction of Slumdon Town, would go off without a


Constantine turned to his companions. “I want that stupid alliance to commence their assault immediately.”

“Allright, I’ll let them know.”


[Pawpaw has killed Bakuking Lv. 118]



[Pawpaw has killed Zazuke Lv. 129]

Broken was sipping his beverage when a flurry of notifications materialized in front of him. As the information provided by Forev had suggested, the players had an average level that was not exceptionally high, making it a simple task for a Demon Beast as powerful as Pawpaw to eliminate them all.

As Broken returned to the lively gathering, he noticed Goldrich laughing heartily, clearly enjoying the festivities. Nearby, Elincia sat with a relaxed demeanor, listening to Freya’s jokes and the friendly chatter among the group.

Despite the cheerful atmosphere, Broken couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was amiss. His instincts screamed that an unaccounted-for threat was looming-one he

hadn’t anticipated.

When he glanced at Freya, he caught her slightly startled expression.

Leaning closer, Freya whispered, “Broken… something’s wrong in Slumdon…”

His suspicions were confirmed. An assault on Slumdon Town was underway. Realizing the

gravity of the situation, everyone gathered closer to discuss the matter.

“So, you have faith in the Knights to handle this, Broken?” Elincia asked.

Broken knew he had to act, but he also understood the value of real experience for the Knights. Allowing them to face this challenge head-on would provide significant growth. He didn’t want to coddle them-that would only hinder their development in the long run. “I’ll give the Knights the opportunity to handle this assault,” Broken suggested. “It will be a valuable chance for them to hone their skills and prove themselves.”

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