Chapter 393 - 393 - Do Everything You Can, Without Holding Back

Chapter 393: – Do Everything You Can, Without Holding Back

[You have been killed by Duke Gremory – Vampiric Duchess Demon Lv. 258]

[You have dropped Woodland Ranger Gloves]

The Capsule Device’s lid opened, and Leon stepped out, his face showing signs of stress and frustration.

Damn, he cursed under his breath-even the second attempt had failed!

The battle replayed vividly in his mind, every detail clear. They had done so much better this time. Their strategies had shifted, and their execution had improved from the first attempt. This time, they were more coordinated and precise. But the harsh reality hit them-Gremory was far from an easy opponent to defeat.

In the second attempt, Marlene and Charmelyn had managed to work together much more effectively. While they still fought in their own distinct styles, they performed their roles well. They pushed the battle forward, with the camel on the verge of death. Charmelyn had even managed to kill it–but then, to their horror, the camel revived, stronger than ever, and with a terrifying boost to its abilities.

The boost Gremory gained after the camel’s revival had made the demon even faster, with a new set of skills that threw them completely off balance. It was unclear whether Gremory could evolve further during the battle, but what was certain was that they had gathered a wealth of new information.

Marlene had managed to keep up with Gremory’s speed and combat style during the first stage, but once the battle shifted to the second stage, everything changed. The team was overwhelmed by the demon’s new attack patterns-unexpected, chaotic, and impossible to predict in real-time.

Despite the failure, this was no longer a mindless defeat like the first attempt. In fact, the progress they made in this round highlighted just how powerful the three of them had become-Marlene, Charmelyn, and Broken alike. They had pushed Gremory to its limits, but it still wasn’t enough.

The next step was clear: they needed to push even harder. It was time to tap into everything they had, including any abilities or strategies they hadn’t yet fully explored, if they hoped to overcome Gremory in their next attempt.

Surely, both Marlene and Charmelyn likely had their own trump cards-abilities or strategies they were reluctant to reveal, especially to someone who could be their opponent outside of Gremory’s Throne Room.

As for the dropped item from his inventory, Leon wasn’t too concerned. Charmelyn had also dropped one of her items during the first battle, but when they logged back in, it was still lying on the floor, untouched. Gremory hadn’t bothered with it.

“Maybe she just doesn’t care about those things?” he muttered to himself.

Leon sent the latest battle data to Maylock and the others, requesting additional analysis and insights.

This was their second death before the cooldown reset, meaning they now had to wait a full 12 hours in real time before they could log back in for another attempt. The forced downtime was frustrating, but it also gave them time to reflect and strategize.

However, the second failure had clearly taken a toll on both Marlene and Charmelyn. By now, they had likely reached the point where their levels had dropped-a devastating consequence. At level 200 and beyond, gaining just one level required immense effort, and losing even a single level was a major setback. The grind to regain experience points and levels would be long and arduous, making this defeat not just a blow to their confidence but also to their overall power.

The pressure was mounting. They couldn’t afford too many more failures without severely crippling their chances of victory.

Leon stepped out of the game room and found Freya waiting in the living room, just as he’d hoped-he needed her help to work through some of the problems weighing on him. He walked over and collapsed onto the couch next to her, exhaustion written all over his face. Freya nudged his shoulder playfully. “We’ll figure this out… everyone’s doing their best to help, Maylock and the others included,” she said, trying to reassure him.

Leon knew, though—if they failed to kill Gremory, he could be trapped in this cycle forever, and that was a terrifying thought. It wasn’t just bad news for him; it was bad for everyone involved.

He opened his eyes and glanced at Freya, who smiled softly at him.

“I think at this point, you, Charmelyn, and Marlene can’t afford to hold back anymore,” she said, her tone serious. “You all have to use everything you’ve got. If not, you’ll end up losing even more.”

Her words hit hard, but Leon knew she was right. There was no more room for hesitation. Leon nodded at Freya’s words, realizing he still had a few items stashed away that he might be able to use. He wouldn’t hold back anymore after this.

“What about those two girls? Are they doing better?” Freya asked.

Leon shook his head slightly. “Yeah, though I don’t think they’ve fully synced yet. The good news is they’re not attacking each other anymore, at least.”

Freya chuckled at that.

“Freya,” Leon said after a pause.


“You’re the one who suggested I start my own guild and lead people, right?”

Freya nodded. “Yes, I did.”

“How? I don’t know how to do it! I’ve only just realized it now-when faced with real problems like this. Two people on the team are fighting and unable to cooperate during a crucial battle, and I don’t know how to handle them.”

Freya shook her head. “That’s because you’re not being yourself,” she said confidently.

“What does it mean to be myself? Ignorant and doing whatever I want? Is that what you’re

saying?” Leon asked, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Freya chuckled and nodded. “Yes, you need to be yourself.”

Leon shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

“Listen, Leon,” Freya said more firmly. “You’ve earned the trust of people like Maylock- someone incredibly smart and calculated. Elincia, who’s experienced in leadership and brilliant in battle. And Goldrich, someone who’s wise and knowledgeable.”

“I didn’t do anything. I didn’t ask them to trust me,” Leon replied, shaking his head.

“That’s exactly the point, Leon!” Freya exclaimed. “Every leader has their own unique charm. Elincia, Maylock, Marlene-they each lead in their own way. A leader’s success isn’t about forcing control; it’s about naturally inspiring others. People follow you and believe in your vision because of who you are, not because you’re trying to be someone else.”

She paused, looking him directly in the eyes. “You’ve already earned their respect just by being yourself. That’s why they trust you.”

“Use simpler words, Ms. Genius,” Leon muttered.

Freya sighed, giving him a playful shove. “Alright, then tell me why do you think Marlene and Charmelyn came to help you, even though they knew it was practically suicide?”

“How should I know? You think I can read their minds?”

“They did it because of your personality, your determination, and your refusal to give up. And maybe a bit of personal reason too.” she said, chuckled.

Damn, this is still too hard to grasp.

“What am I supposed to do, Freya?” he asked, a little desperately.

“The real question is, what do you want to do? With those two, and in this situation-without worrying about what they think,” Freya said, looking him straight in the eyes.

It hit him: it wasn’t about pleasing everyone. It was about what he wanted to achieve and lead them toward, regardless of their opinions or conflicts.

Leon paused, thinking deeply. Why was I doubting myself? Why did I fail? Why was everything so hard? It was because he feared disappointing those around him. He hesitated, unsure of

whether he was doing his best.

Yes, Leon realized, I’ve always focused on myself-doing whatever I could, with whatever I had, to

reach my goals.

“Do everything I can, without holding back,” he murmured.

“Exactly,” Freya affirmed. “Don’t see them as obstacles but as support tools. They’re Divine Champions, skilled fighters. What you need to do is inspire them. Show them your true self.”

Leon stood up from the sofa, a new sense of determination in his eyes after hearing Freya’s words. “That’s not like you, Freya,” he said with a smirk.

“Shut up, I’m trying my best to help you, you playboy!” Freya snapped, crossing her arms and

legs defensively.

“What? Why playboy?” Leon asked, genuinely confused. “Hey, wanna join me for a workout at

the gym?”

“No, I’m busy. Go on,” she replied, waving him off. “I’m putting together a summary of your

‘simple problem’ and waiting for Maylock’s response.”

“You’ll stay here, right? I want to talk more… I need you.”

“Of course you need me,” she said with a teasing smirk. “Now go, I’m going to log in and

handle my work in Slumdon too.”

Leon stood there for a moment, confused. He shook his head and started getting ready. Did I say something wrong? Why does Freya seem different?

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