Chapter 389 - 389 - We’ll keep the secret

Chapter 389: – We’ll keep the secret

The method to obtain the Divine Champion status from another player, or even legally transfer it, had not been revealed publicly. However, Charmelyn had clearly succeeded in doing so. The truth behind how she achieved it remained a secret known only to her. And now, sitting beside Leon, was Laura-the very person who held that secret firsthand, as she had been the key player in this significant event.

“I think by now, the rumors about the Divine Champion status being transferable, either voluntarily or forcibly, have spread widely,” Laura continued.

Leon simply nodded. He wasn’t deeply involved in the developments of Immortal Legacy unless Freya filled him in on the details. So, hearing that this news had already spread among some players, he realized just how out of the loop he was on the matter.

“But the truth behind it… is actually quite cruel,” Laura added, her voice lowering.

Leon tilted his head slightly, filled with questions. Cruel? He wasn’t sure what to make of that and felt the weight of her words.

“So… one way to take the Divine Champion status from someone,” Laura began.

“So, you took it?” Leon asked.

Laura nodded. “I found out about it by accident… because… I’m also the one known to many as Blade Phantom.”

Leon nodded again. “Blade Phantom, the hired assassin, right?”

Laura raised her head, her eyes calm. “Yes, Leon… I earned money by being a mercenary, a hired killer. It’s something I’m really ashamed of… I was embarrassed to tell you this.”

“No, not really…” Leon replied gently. “This is my first time hearing it from you, Laura. But honestly, I’m more curious about all of it. I mean, there’s so much about Immortal Legacy I still don’t know. So, you can tell me anything without worrying that I’ll judge you or anything like that.”

Laura nodded, continuing. “So, I’m someone known as Blade Phantom… a mercenary for hire. I take orders from anyone-players, NPCS-to kill whoever they ask. For money,” she said, then paused.

Leon couldn’t help but feel shocked. Behind Laura he knew was someone who played Immortal Legacy at such a deep, ruthless level? Blade Phantom-an assassin respected and feared by many—and now, the Envy Champion, who had taken the status from someone else?

Leon nodded. “Please continue, Laura.”

“Yes… I was hired to bully this player. I mean, to kill them over and over… a Divine Champion, specifically the Envy Champion.”

Killing a player repeatedly? Damn. The thought of it made Leon’s mind race. This was far deeper and darker than he’d ever imagined.

“I’ve been killing this player several times for the past few months.”

“How many times, Laura?”

“Seven times in a row,” she continued.

Leon swallowed hard, realizing just how unpredictable Laura’s actions had been, all without him knowing.

“And then…” she went on. “I’m not sure how the rules work… But, I got his Divine Champion status after I killed him the seventh time.” She fell silent after that.

“Killing a Divine Champion seven times in a row, and you actually gained his status?”

Laura interrupted his question. “That’s why I’m ashamed to admit it to anyone else.”

“Do the others in the Ass Guild know about your profile as Blade Phantom?” Leon asked, curious.

“They know,” Laura replied, “but the missions I’ve been taking are part of an undisclosed agreement, so I’ve kept some things secret from them too.”

Leon nodded again. “Well… I guess this is pretty important information, especially since you can’t even confirm the exact requirements yet, right?”

Laura simply nodded. “All I got was a notification saying something like, the God of Envy felt his champion was no longer worthy of the status, so he transferred it to me.”

Leon nodded slowly. “So, ultimately, it’s up to the god who grants the blessing. They can move the status to someone else if they want. And as for the conditions, it might vary depending on the individual god of sins.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out too,” Laura added.

Leon nodded slowly, trying to absorb the information. From what Laura explained, it made sense. If a Divine Champion kept getting defeated by the same person over and over, the title would seem meaningless, right?

The gods of sins grant these blessings for a specific purpose, though that purpose remains unclear. Still, if their goal is to have a powerful, undefeated champion, it stands to reason they’d be disappointed when their champion is repeatedly killed by the same individual. Eventually, it would make sense for them to transfer the blessing to the one providing stronger.

But then again, if this information got out, Divine Champions could become prime targets for everyone. People would hunt them down, hoping to claim the blessing for themselves.

Leon could already imagine the consequences. Even now, he pictured large guilds, like the Ass Guild, launching hunts to steal Divine Champion status from others.

But surely, this information, while valuable, would also pose a serious threat to anyone who holds the title of Divine Champion. Becoming a target for countless people, all eager to kill them repeatedly, would undoubtedly lead to widespread greed.

“So, are you going to share this with the others?” Leon asked.

Laura nodded. “Yes, I’ll tell Elincia and let her decide if this information should be shared with the rest.”

Leon agreed with that decision.

“But… Leon… I won’t tell anyone that you’re a Divine Champion, too,” she said softly, lowering her head.

Leon nodded at her words. Sooner or later, the truth would come out, one way or another. His rapid progress would eventually raise suspicion, especially if it seemed unnatural compared

to other players.

After that, Leon shared what he experienced when facing Gremory after Marlene and Charmelyn were killed, recounting the events as best as he could. He also agreed with Laura that they would log into the game together later, along with Marlene, so they could face the next battles as a team.

Although dying in the game dealt a heavy blow to both Laura and Marlene-losing experience points and dropping levels-Leon wasn’t affected in the same way. His character wasn’t impacted by death, and his experience points never decreased. Because he didn’t have experience points to lose in the first place.

But then again, was it true he would never lose levels, even if he died repeatedly?

He hadn’t tested it yet, but when Elincia killed him that time, his level hadn’t dropped. Maybe

his character really was immune to level loss. And even while waiting for his character’s revive cooldown, he had the possibility of leveling up.

Damn, his Sloth blessing was truly something remarkable, especially when it came to

situations like this.

Does that also mean the method of stealing a blessing by repeatedly killing the Divine Champion wouldn’t work on him since he doesn’t lose levels? Who knows.

Even so, he wasn’t going to let anyone kill him again-at least not easily. Well, the case with the Named Demons was different, given their much higher levels. Still, this only reminded him that he needed to keep growing, to become even stronger. There were too many things still out of his reach, and even with his rapid progress, he was struggling to keep up with the challenges he faced.

But, then again, not every player gets the chance to face a Named Demon in person, right? He guessed that was something in itself.

After chatting for a while and agreeing on a few things, Leon decided it would be best to continue their discussion with Marlene online. Laura, after all, didn’t want her identity

revealed, and meeting in person could only complicate things. Who knows what kind of tension might arise if they met face to face again.

“Yes, no worries, Laura… we’ll both keep each other’s secrets. I’m sure we each have our

reasons for that. And thanks for sharing this information with me.”

Laura smiled at his words. “Thanks… I was really scared to admit it.”

“Let’s go… it’s winter,” Leon said, taking a sip of the coffee Laura had given him earlier. “And

the coffee’s already gone cold.”

She chuckled softly. “Sorry about that, I’ll make you a fresh cup next time.”

“Yes…” Leon responded with a small nod.

They both stood up. “Let me walk you home,” he offered.

“No…” she replied quickly. “I mean, it’s fine. I can manage.”

A moment later, Leon’s phone buzzed. It was a message from Marlene, letting him know she

was waiting for him in a VIP lounge at the hotel-coincidentally, the same one where he was


Is Marlene really meeting me tonight? he wondered.

After saying his goodbyes to Laura, Leon headed straight back to the hotel.

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