Chapter 1033: Start of the Auction: The Four Powerful Individuals

They had a perfect vantage point to observe the proceedings without being seen. The two individuals Wolf had pointed out sat in their booths, one cloaked in dark robes, the other with a regal bearing that hinted at high status. Reign noted their presence, as did everybody else.

Both of them had arrived without any other people present, and they had barely talked to anybody before the auction.

The person cloaked in dark robes was perfectly hidden, nobody knew who the person was or even what gender they were. Each time they spoke, their voice was somehow distorted, eerie to listen to. The aura around the person, however, was completely unnatural, and even Reign was sensing something dangerous from the person merely by being in close proximity.

As for the man with regal bearing, he had talked to some people, but the expensive and flashy suit that he wore, one that looked as if it was made out of golden silk and fashioned with red accessories made him stand out above everyone else.

His demeanor, the way he talked, and even looked at some people all pointed to him being born into a wealthy and powerful family, spending his entire life at the top of the food chain, and not caring about anybody.

But Wolf was able to discern that it was all an act. A couple of times during the short gathering, he was able to notice some irregularities in the man’s speech and demeanor. He noticed that the man was truly pretending and that he actually didn’t even like the fact he was doing so.

One could only guess why he would pretend, and why he had decided to do it tonight, but one thing was clear, he was strong.

Every single person on Reign’s team could be placed at the very top of the world when it came to player strength, and yet, only Wolf, Reign, Mia, and Shadow were confident that they could defeat the man, and that was simply based on the aura he was showing right now.

Beast was probably able to do so if he summoned all three of his monsters and fused with Blackie, but he wasn’t confident that he could face the man without doing so.

His ability was one that allowed him to tame beasts and use their help during battle, so of course that was natural, but even without summoning them, he had gained quite some stats from taking their blood in the past, as well as some passive skills. Find more to read at

He was incredibly strong even without his beasts, and yet, not certain of victory.

Greenie and Tank, both powerful individuals, simply felt that the person was slightly above them, whether that was some sort of illusion made by his aura or a testament of how powerful he was, none of them knew.

“Both came alone, both are stronger than anybody else that had arrived, and neither had disclosed which faction they belonged to, even though it is clear that they are not normal at all.”

The Grand Auction house was open for every person that had enough S Coins to enter it, and Reign and the others had made it so that if a person was from a strong team or had enough strength themselves, they would be asked if they wished to partake in the gathering before the auction.

All the people that were there had chosen to do so, and there were definitely a few that decided against it.

Reign and the others had no idea who the people who had initially arrived were, or what faction or team they were from, they only knew that they were strong as the system had invited them over to the hall.

“There’s two more.” Reign suddenly stated as Wolf and the others glanced at him.

“I noticed one during the gathering, even though she was acting as if she was only a member of the team and didn’t have a lot of influence over it, I could sense that she was stronger than the rest of them, not to mention that even her soul was different, larger, stronger.”

“As for the second person, I just noticed him now, he’s in the fourth row, the one sitting straight and eyeing out the entire place.”

“Both of them are as strong as the two we just talked about, and they are both hiding themselves much deeper than those two.”

Wolf nodded his head as he leaned back into his chair.

“So, we got 4 individuals who are quite strong present, I have to be honest, it’s more than I expected, I thought we would get 1 such person, perhaps even two, but four is quite good, it shows that the regions close to us do have some strong individuals.”

“That can be both good and bad, if they become our enemies in the future then … we should have more information about them just in case,” Beast said as he glanced at the four people while the rest nodded.

The auction was underway, and it had been ever since Reign and the others had taken their places. Nobody expected anything mind-blowing to appear at this auction, well, perhaps the regular people who had joined did expect that, and they won’t be disappointed, but no strong faction expected it.

They were all well aware that Reign and the others had done this just so they could all gather and mingle with each other, that this was all done so that they would know one another, for one reason or the other.

It wasn’t cheap or easy to make this auction, however.

Not only did Reign and the others use quite a lot of S Coins in order to start the auction, they also had to spend more money to increase the security, to add more seats …

Each function of the Grand Auction cost money, and they had spent a couple of million for the auction.

It was worth it, however, as they were able to house thousands of people, and the guards that were placed were strong, with the weakest being Tier V, and the strongest being the two heads of security who were each Tier VII combatants.

In all honesty, the best items these factions believed would be sold were Rank SS items, which were still very good and worth their time as Rank SSS items were still very rare and in high demand, nobody would sell them for any price at the moment.

As the auction progressed, the atmosphere grew more intense. Bids flew back and forth, with various factions competing for rare and valuable items. The auctioneer expertly managed the proceedings, ensuring that the event moved smoothly.

The four individuals identified by Reign and his team as particularly strong continued to draw attention. Their bidding patterns were methodical, and they displayed only slight interest in certain items, which only heightened the curiosity of Reign and the others, especially after the man dressed in the golden suit suddenly upped the bid for one item by more than double the previous bid.

The item in question was nothing that special, it was a tome of magic, but one ranked as Rank B, and even though some of the spells there were definitely powerful, similar to some of the spells Laura had learned from her own tome, they were nothing that special.

Most spells that one could learn from a tome would only be powerful if the mage was also powerful and had an ability that was the same as the spell, or complemented it, similar to how Laura’s demonic energy was able to mix and enhance the spells that she had learned, increasing their power multifold.

“He might be a mage with a similar ability, that tome has water element spells that one can learn, it was placed in the auction by one of our allies,” Laura said as the others nodded.

The items placed on auction were not only their own, their allies had placed some, as did Ishtamar whose faction had some items they didn’t really need and could earn them a nice sum.

“His faction could also be the one that needs the tome, we can’t remove any of those two possibilities,” Wolf added while Reign nodded his head.

“There’s a third possibility, the amount of S Coins he had spent might not be anything valuable to him, so he decided to do so to make people believe he needs the tome, but in fact, he is only doing so to divert attention,” Shadow added, causing the others to narrow their eyes as all three possibilities could be true.

Among the notable items auctioned were rare weapons, enchanted pieces of armor, ancient tomes of knowledge, and potent potions. Each item presented had its own allure, drawing in bids from different factions. The competitive nature of the auction only added to the excitement.

Reign, Shadow, Mia, and the others kept a close watch on the proceedings, noting which items drew the most interest and who emerged as the top bidders. This information was valuable for future interactions and potential alliances.

As the auction neared its climax, the auctioneer introduced the final items of the evening – the ones everyone had been eagerly awaiting.

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