Chapter 1003: The Underground Chamber and the Weird Tunnel

The passageway led them through a series of twists and turns, gradually descending deeper into the earth. The air grew colder and damper, and the walls seemed to close in around them, creating a sense of claustrophobia. Despite the eerie atmosphere, they pressed on, driven by a mix of curiosity and determination.

“We should be careful, that chamber, after it was activated, we all sensed the same thing, right?” Shadow asked as the others all nodded.

“It might have been a hidden array or part of the runic activation, to check if there are any enemies present,” Beast added as they all had the feeling of being watched after Laura activated the runes and opened the new passage.

“Our barrier was still up, so there is a good chance that there was nothing that was found, but we can’t ignore the possibility that the enemy has found out that we are here, or that this passage might be a trap.” Reign said, prompting them all to nod with serious expressions on their faces.

“Whatever it might be, we’ll get through it, even if the enemy has a trap in place, they won’t be able to see us, and we can attack them preemptively and break out of here,” Wolf said with an air of confidence around him.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, they finally emerged into a vast underground chamber. The chamber was illuminated by a soft, eerie light that emanated from glowing crystals embedded in the walls. The floor was covered in intricate patterns and symbols, similar to the ones they had seen in the hidden chamber above.

“This place…it’s incredible,” Mia whispered, but had it not been for the barrier, her voice would have echoed through the entire chamber thanks to how it was made.

“It’s definitely not natural,” Beast remarked, examining the patterns on the floor. “These runes are complex, far beyond anything we’ve seen from the enemy before.

“They must serve some sort of purpose.”

“Yeah, but the question is what purpose they serve, after all, such a big chamber shouldn’t be here just for decoration, right?” Tank asked as he glanced around the large chamber, squinting his eyes in order to see if there was anything out of place.

As they explored the chamber, they discovered a series of tunnels leading off in different directions. Each tunnel was adorned with the same intricate symbols, indicating that they all led to different parts of the underground complex.

“Maybe this is like a central hub for all of these tunnels, the place they all lead to so that one can better navigate and get to where they want to go?”

“But even then, why make it like this, wouldn’t it be better to have a smaller place, and why not connect the tunnels at certain points, they could definitely move around faster that way as well if you wanted to get from one part of the underground area to the next, you could pass through a couple of connected tunnels and then go out of one, why travel all the way here to go to another tunnel?” Shadow asked Laura who shrugged her shoulders as the others continued looking around.

The group’s discussion was interrupted by a sudden rumbling from deeper within the chamber. They exchanged wary glances, their senses on high alert as they prepared for whatever might come next.

Without warning, the ground beneath them began to tremble, and the walls of the chamber started to shift and change. Stone melted away like wax, revealing hidden passages and chambers that had been concealed beneath the earth.

“What in the world…” Tank muttered, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Reign’s mind raced as he tried to make sense of the unfolding events. It was clear that they had stumbled upon something far more significant than they had anticipated, something that went beyond a simple enemy base.

As the chamber continued to shift and transform, they caught glimpses of strange machinery and arcane devices hidden within the walls. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before, and definitely not what they had expected to see here.

“We need to keep moving,” Reign said, his voice firm and determined. “Whatever this place is, it’s not safe for us to linger.”

“Dammit, could it really have been a trap?” Wolf asked in a low voice as they glanced around them, not certain which passage to take.

“Does it even matter at this point, if we leave, we won’t know where we will end up, and leaving the underground will become much more difficult, even if it is a trap, if we stay here, we’ll have a better chance to deal with the enemy,” Beast said from the side as the others all glanced at him.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“The best one I can think of at the moment, after all, we didn’t expect the enemy to have access to something like this,” Beast told Reign who glanced around with a frown on his face before sighing and nodding his head.

“Alright, we stay here, if anything happens, we will go all out and try to break out as quickly as possible.”

Suddenly, the entire chamber came to a stop, the rumbling ceased and all the passages, all the tunnels, they were all suddenly gone.

Reign and the others found themselves in a chamber deep below the surface that was completely closed, with no clear way out of it present.

Suddenly, one of the walls started trembling as a part started splitting open.

A large opening appeared, one much bigger than any they had seen before. It was about 7 meters wide and 8 meters high, making it easy for large numbers of people to walk out of it.

Reign and the others glanced at one another before they all sighed and started walking toward it, aware that this might be what the enemy wanted them to do.

The entire situation was incredibly weird, they had no idea what was happening, nor how the enemy had even managed to create all of this, after all, it wasn’t something that could easily be made, and even with the system’s help, this had to have taken them many months to fully construct.

“The machinery in this place, reminds me a bit of the machinery and mechanisms in the world I visited for my evolution challenges, we even have some similar places in Doncaster, but they’re not this large or this advanced at all, just who did they make all of this?” Shadow asked as he looked around the large tunnel, which was fully coated in metal sheets and had parts where one could see the mechanisms moving.

It wasn’t a natural tunnel, it was made by the enemy faction, but even then, the question was just how did they make something like this, and why.

“These gears, the split up parts of the tunnel, this might not just be a tunnel, but something else that can transform into one when there is a need for it.” Shadow suddenly said as he looked around.

“See there, those are joints, that means that this place can move, it can be made into something else, I just don’t know what, nor why it is so.” Shadow added as he pointed at certain parts of the tunnel while they were walking through it.

“So, what does that mean?” Wolf asked Shadow who shrugged his shoulders.

“I have no idea, I only know that much, my class isn’t one that gives me any more insight into this after all, nor did I try to learn that much about machinery while in the other world, I just focused on completing my challenge.”

Reign and the others just sighed before they stopped moving as the tunnel started trembling.

“Oh, this can’t be good,” Shadow said as the sound of gears moving, joints creaking, and the metal sheets bending was heard.

The tunnel suddenly moved, and they nearly fell down as the area they were in was starting to slope down.

“Dammit, run forward!” Reign yelled as they all started running along the metal surface of the floor, in a hurry to reach the part that was still straight.

They managed to do so thanks to their immense speed and strength, but the tunnel was still not finished with its movement.

“Just what the hell is going on?” Reign asked in a low voice as they looked around them, slightly apprehensive of the situation they had found themselves in.

“Whatever it is, I don’t think we can do anything right now, if we attack and destroy a part of the tunnel, not only will the enemy know about it, but it might make the situation even worse,” Wolf said as they all had solemn expressions on their faces and were well aware of the fact that they were in quite a pickle right now.

“Whatever it is, be ready to take action, we don’t know if the enemy will finally attack us now or not.”

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