Calista was surprised about what Kyle had told her but had no reason not to trust him.

Ignorance is bliss; it is the same way people opt not to snoop through their partner’s phone not because they trusted them. Rather because they didn’t want to see who they truly were.

Calista knew that she would find her answers behind that door and took a step towards the door.

She was going to see who was inside before she could press the doorbell—a voice called out behind her.

“You’re Calista, aren’t you?” Aiysha questioned the woman before her. Calista never told her what her name was so she was certain that it must be Jones.

“That is correct, can I help you with something?” Calista responded, looking right at her.

She didn’t know what Jones had told her but it couldn’t be anything bad considering he didn’t know her.

However, there was a chance that Aiysha wouldn’t be comfortable with her husband interacting with an attractive woman such as herself.

“No, no… I just wanted to know how Kyle was?” Aiysha knew that Calista was intimate with him so she would know the answer to her questions.

“Kyle has been discharged so that is great news,” Calista said with a sigh but she knew that the information she sought could be gotten from this woman.

Calista was surprised that Jones could bag a woman who looked this good because appearance-wise, she was out of his league but wasn’t naive to the point that she thought looks were the only thing that determined the league.

There had to be other features that made him stand out from her potential suitors or was he the nice guy that waited at the end of the line?

“That is great news! I was a bit worried, I couldn’t believe that something terrible happened to him. It is scary!” Aiysha pointed out.

Calista always responded with a cold and indifferent tone when speaking to Aiysha but they both had something in common right now which was Kyle.

They were both concerned about Kyle for the first time since their interaction. Calista’s cold demeanour changed the moment the topic became about Kyle.

She was more responsive but also wondered what her relationship with him was.

Calista was doubting everything she knew about Kyle even though he never told her that she was the only woman.

He hadn’t lied and there was no title to their relationship which she was fine with but this made her scared that she was on the verge of losing him.

“I’m so glad he has such a caring girlfriend,” Aiysha muttered and this was when the world froze as Calista retraced the words that had left her lips.

“Girlfriend? Kyle said that?” Calista questioned but the last conversation that she had with him regarding this, he didn’t deny it so she came to this conclusion herself.

Aiysha realized what she had done and how she could impact their relationship if they hadn’t talked.

The last thing she wanted was to be on Kyle’s bad side and this was why she quickly cleared her throat. Your next read is at empire

“He didn’t say that, forget I said anything,” Aiysha said before excusing herself.

Calista’s mind went blank, she knew that this woman had said something she wasn’t supposed to say but there was no doubt that what she said must be true.

This conveniently made her forget she was about to see who was inside his apartment.

Calista was eager to see him and this was the sole reason she left the building immediately.

Conveniently, she saw a few workers outside the apartment so what Kyle said must be true.

Kyle sighed, he thanked Nate for his assistance before hopping into his car and driving off, he was headed to Calista’s place.

He had all the money in the world yet it was women that were stressing him out.

Kyle knew he had to take his security seriously because he was going to be meeting a lot more dangerous people.

This was the world he was stepping into, be it artists getting shot at or robbed, even downright murdered.

Kyle knew the entertainment industry was dangerous and Mike or rather, Clarence, showed him that he was incapable of defending himself.

He drove at full speed but was maintaining the speed limit, the last thing he needed was breaking the law.

But at this rate, he was bound to arrive there faster than Calista despite her having less distance to cover.

She wasn’t as skilled a driver as him and there was no way she would want to damage her new car.

Kyle arrived there and parked the car, he didn’t come out of it as he observed the environment.

This was the first time he got a good look at her neighborhood and it was a peaceful one but it was surprising that someone was yet to steal the car.

If they could, they would be set for life however these thoughts were a product of his boredom.

Kyle saw her pulling up in the driveway approximately ten minutes later.

Kyle was beginning to wonder if he overdid it with this purchase because it didn’t fit in this neighbourhood.

He watched how she straightened her clothes the moment she got out of the car before taking a deep breath. Calista was having second thoughts and Kyle could see it.

“She’s nervous?” Kyle thought to himself but he wondered why, she had no reason to be.

“Did she see something?” Kyle muttered to himself, Calista looked around and saw that Kyle was nowhere to be seen. There was a chance that she saw Jane and judging from what he was seeing, she was trying to prepare herself for an uncomfortable conversation.

He might have taken an Uber to keep a low profile but her eyes soon caught his car parked some distance away.

Calista waved with a broad smile on her face, she couldn’t believe that he had come here.

She didn’t wait for Kyle to exit his car before crossing the road to meet him.

“Hi!” Calista was excited and full of energy, a far cry from the energy he got from her over the phone. She was dull but more so, it sounded like she had something on her mind.

Something happened but now wasn’t the time to ask what had changed.

Calista wrapped her arms around him before placing a wet kiss on his lips.

“Someone is excited to see me,” Kyle muttered the second her lips left his.

“I came to your house, what do you think?” Calista giggled.

“You have a point. Do you want to go inside or would you rather put on a show for all to see?” Kyle asked.

“I wouldn’t have minded a show but you see, I don’t like sharing what I have so publicly,” Calista whispered in his ear before slightly biting on his earlobe.

“Hooo? Is that so?” Kyle questioned with a smirk across his face before being led to Calista’s home by the hand.

“Yuki, how is the movie production coming along?” Nakamura questioned with a Cuban cigar between his thin lips.

“It is 95% complete, sir,” Yuki responded with an iPad in hand, she had taken notes within it because this was the digital age.

There was no point for a clipboard to be used as it was outdated and it was severely limited.

“That is great news! This should improve Distort stock no doubt but I want you to keep tabs on that man,” Nakamura pointed out.

“Who may that be, sir?” Yuki questioned. Nakamura met a lot of people within the last couple of days so this was vague.

“Kyle,” Nakamura said but Yuki was surprised that he had taken an interest in him.

Sure he was rich but Nakamura has met men with people far more important than Kyle.

But she wasn’t being paid to ask questions and this was why she accepted to do as she was told. It was the sole reason she was here.

“Very well sir,” Yuki responded, typing her new task on her iPad.

Kyle’s nightclub didn’t go unnoticed and Nakamura understood he needed to have some serious financial backing to move that fast.

And that was what he wanted to figure out, if Kyle was truly self-made or if there were forces more powerful than himself backing him?

Nakamura was a businessman and knew he had to have a measurement of those he worked with.

Kyle was looking like he was going to be a long-term partner but Nakamura couldn’t afford to be blind-sided because this would be the gateway into the big stage.

There was no way that Kyle wouldn’t profit from this fame and Nakamura needed to have him under control as fame could ruin the best of people.

Yuki left the room, leaving Nakamura alone in his office, he picked up his phone and called an unsaved number. It was memorized but the fact that it wasn’t saved was rather strange; it also showed that Nakamura didn’t want just anyone to know of his communication with this individual.

“Hello?” Nakamura greeted and the conversation went on for a few minutes before Nakamura hung up with a satisfied grin across his face.

“Who are you, Kyle?” Nakamura muttered under his breath, he was researching Kyle thoroughly and the deeper he went, the less it made sense.

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