6 Times a Day

Chapter 810 Xania's Descent To Debauchery ! ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Now that Alan was done with Katherine, Xania sat back in his lap.

The game resumed with everyone else back in their seats, including a very sexually satisfied Katherine. But nearly all the participants were still too aroused and distracted to think much of the game.

Suzanne alone cared about the card game, and she took full advantage of this to help guide the sexual fun and games. She knew that Xania was going to get Alan to cum if she kept doing what she was doing for much longer, and she knew the problem of Alan cumming too soon and too often as well as anyone. So she secretly mixed the cards she got for herself to make sure she won. It was easy for her to cheat since hardly anyone was paying attention to the game in the first place.

Suzanne said, "Xania... Hellloooo? Xania?" She waited until Xania finally noticed. "I won, and I'm making you part of my dare. You have to stand up and face Sweetie so he can play with your body. ALL of your body, including your pussy. Oh, and put your hands on your head and keep them there. I like how you looked when you were doing that earlier."

Xania visually grimaced, thinking about her desire to cum. She stood up, letting go of Alan's cock in the process. She asked guardedly, "And how long am I supposed to do this? A minute? Two?"

Suzanne replied, "No, indefinitely. Until some other dare has you do something else. Someone else will have to take over as penis tender, of course."

Xania was annoyed beyond belief when she heard that last detail. "What?! But that's..." She caught herself, remembering that she wasn't supposed to be too enthusiastic about the handjob.

She tried to get out of performing the dare, but she couldn't think of any even remotely plausible excuse. She decided to explain part of her genuine reasoning. "Now's not really a good time. You see, Alan gave me a secret order a little while ago. It seems I'm not allowed to cum unless I get him to cum first, or he gives me permission. If I'm standing with my hands on my head, how on Earth can I make him cum?! I can't! Worse, I really have a powerful need to cum right now, and if he plays with my pussy, I'm going to totally lose my mind!"

Suzanne smirked. "Sucks to be you, then. All us women here are in danger of losing our minds from total orgasmic ecstasy. It's a daily threat. Seriously. So we don't have much sympathy."

Xania looked around at the others. Sure enough, none of them seemed sympathetic to her plight. She complained, "I don't get it. All of you are so focused on servicing Alan's cock. It's practically a 24-7 thing. I understand how that's great for HIM. He must be cumming buckets daily. But how can the rest of you be losing your mind with big orgasms so often?!"

Amy spoke up. "Look at yourself."

Xania was confused. "What?"

Amy repeated, "Look at yourself. You've been the penis tender for a good while now. That sounds all unfair, I know. But you're the one complaining that you're in danger of losing your mind, 'cos you're so super duper horny. How does that happen?"

Xania flopped her arms in sincere confusion, setting her enormous boobs bouncing. "I don't know!"

Suzanne said, "To be honest, I don't think we quite understand it either. There's some kind of group dynamic, a collective energy, that develops, and just grows and grows. We all feed off each other. But the bottom line is, even though the focus is on him, us ladies have even more big orgasms than he does. A LOT more! It gets so intense that we even pass out sometimes."

Katherine picked up Suzanne's point. "So that's why we just kinda chuckle when we hear you say you feel like you're losing your mind. If I had a dime for every time I felt that exact thing, well, I'd have a hell of a pile of dimes!" She giggled at that. "So stand there like a good, obedient slut, and try your best not to cum too soon. What's he going to do to you if you do, by the way?"

Xania shamefully admitted, "He's going to spank me."

Susan raised her eyebrows. "Oooh! Sounds fun! You might want to lose on purpose. I would!"

Xania reluctantly got in position. She was already standing, but she drew in closer. That allowed him to reach up and out to fondle her breasts and pussy.

Even though her entire body was trembling from his caresses, she managed to put her hands on her head. Dammit! Shit! So close! A couple more minutes, and he'd have cum for sure. Then I could have too, without penalty. Now, he's gonna take ages playing with my body. And someone else gets to be penis tender? Fuck that!

She sighed, realizing there wasn't anything she could do about it, or about the way he was still playing with her body. Daaaaamn! What a disaster. I've never felt so helpless yet powerfully aroused at the same time. And look at this humiliating pose I'm in. I don't know about visiting this place. It's scary!

She moved in still closer, pushing Alan's legs together until his knees touched. Then she moved way forward, right up to the edge of his chair, so her legs were spread widely on either side of his. She hoped that if she was up close like that, more of her body would be within easy reach for him, so he'd spend less time playing with her pussy. She worried that more pussy play would set her off.

Brenda quickly took Xania's seat next to Alan. She asked, "So... Who is going to be Alan's penis tender while he's busy with Xania?" She clearly hoped that her proximity would make her the logical choice.

But Suzanne gave him a long, careful look, and then said, "Unfortunately, no one. Not for a while. I know my Sweetie well enough to know all the signs. He's far too close to shooting off. Sorry."

To everyone's surprise, Alan scooted his chair back and stood up. "That's true. Things are getting a bit dangerous. But it so happens, I have to go use the bathroom. Maybe by the time I get back I'll be ready for some more tending. If I am, Brenda, I'll let you know."

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) He went to the bathroom.

Xania sighed and dropped her hands. Despite being dangerously close to cumming, she was very frustrated that he hadn't even touched her since she'd stood up.

In fact, Alan didn't really need to relieve himself, he just wanted an excuse to have another strategic break without looking "wimpy" for taking a break so soon after the last one. Seeing Xania standing there with her hands on her head, ready and willing to be fondled all over, was very nearly the breaking point for him, forcing him to retreat. He wanted to enjoy playing with her remarkable body at length without having to stress about being right on the cusp of orgasm.

He stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes, washing his face and freshening up, but mostly just thinking non-sexual thoughts and playing for time. He'd been so supersaturated with sexual sights and sounds that he needed a mental break from it all. He was almost too effective: he was able to clear his head of sexual thoughts, which caused his penis to go completely flaccid.

However, that turned out to be no problem at all, because once he walked back to the living room and saw the truly extraordinary naked women there, he could feel his penis starting to engorge again right away.

Standing at the front foyer, he looked around at all the women, and thought, I'm so fucking lucky that it's crazy! If this isn't the greatest collection of female beauty in the world, then I don't know what is! Brenda and Xania would be such incredibly worthy additions to my, uh... Not harem... My stable, let's call it. Even that's a fucking mind-blowing term! Wow!

By this time, all the women had noticed his presence. Xania even stood up expectantly, hoping to pick up right where they'd left off. So he knew he didn't have much time to just stand and stare. Xania and Brenda. What's up with them? Are they just going to be around for a while and then move on? I sure hope not! They're so fucking stacked and sexy! I need to hook them even more so they'll want to be a permanent part of... whatever this is. My stable. I'm recharged and ready. I think it's time I have fun with both of them at once!

He walked into the middle of the living room and announced, "Okay, I'm back. Xania, if you're ready to continue, I'm ready. And Brenda, it looks like I'm gonna need some tending. In fact, my dick has gone kinda soft, so if you want to bend the rules a little bit, you can blow me to get me fully aroused."

"Okay!" In a flash, Brenda grabbed him, pulled him down to the nearest sofa, lay down next to him, and engulfed his cockhead with her mouth. In her excitement, she kicked her legs in the air, causing her high heels to fall off.

It happened so fast that he had to laugh out loud.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Amy giggled. "Geez Louise! Somebody's eager!" She giggled some more, with Katherine joining in.

Susan nodded and smiled approvingly as Brenda bobbed, just as if she was a proud parent at a talent show. And that wasn't a far-off comparison, because she considered herself Brenda's sexual mentor of sorts. It was a heady feeling for her, considering how quickly she had sexually evolved in recent weeks, as well as how quickly her relationship with Brenda had evolved.

She thought, Look at her go! It almost makes me want to cry, I'm so happy. She gets it! She knows what a big-titted beauty is born to do: serve superior cock! Even from here, I can see how overjoyed she is. She's got her mouth stuffed full of Tiger's great thickness, her lips are sliding, her tongue is dancing, and she's kneeling near-naked in high heels! There's no better feeling in the world than that! God, it makes me SO HOT!

Then Xania walked up to Alan's crotch, keen to get in the exact same position she'd been in before the bathroom break. Luckily for her, Brenda was leaning over his crotch from the side instead of kneeling between his legs.

Like before, Xania spread her legs widely near his legs. She put her hands on her head, striking a stiff, proud pose with her back slightly arched and her enormous tits thrust forward.

That was a very tempting sight for him. But realizing that Xania was still rather difficult to reach, he scooted forward on the sofa, moving Brenda with him, then leaned his upper body forward.

Xania was able to scoot up even closer to his crotch this time, thanks to his new position sitting so far forward. She could have scooted closer still except for Brenda's bobbing head coming in from the side. She didn't want Brenda to fall off the sofa.

Alan's bathroom break had given Xania a chance to cool down some too. She was still very, very horny, but she wasn't frantic with the need to cum. That allowed her to enjoy herself a lot more. She'd also warmed up to the idea of performing Suzanne's dare.

Alan immediately reached a hand around and began gleefully caressing her ass cheeks. His other hand aimed directly for her pussy. But rather than going straight for her clit or slit, he started teasing around the edges of those sensitive privates,

Xania found the pose incredibly arousing. She wasn't getting off on the submissiveness of it exactly, but it fed into her fetish for being sexually embarrassed in front of others that she wasn't even consciously aware of. No one had ever treated her like this before, and the fact that there were no less than six others in the room gave her an incredible head rush that never seemed to end.

Yet she felt like she needed to maintain her reluctant persona, if only so Susan wouldn't doubt her psychologist identity. So she complained, "How does this help anything?"

Katherine quipped, "I don't know if it helps YOU, but it sure helps him enjoy your body. Remember, this is Alan's world, and we just live in it." She giggled.

Xania grunted, both in frustration and because he swiped a finger down her wet slit.

Suzanne wasn't sure if Xania was really reluctant or not. Just to be sure, she told her, "Remember, you said that while you were here, you'd take part in our traditions and follow our rules."

"I know," Xania replied. "I just didn't know that it would result in THIS." She shivered all over and moaned loudly, because Alan leaned forward and blew air on her clit while poking a finger into her slit.

Susan smirked. "That sure sounds to me like someone is protesting too much. Tell me that you're not incredibly aroused, and he'll stop right now."

Suzanne added, "Remember, the rule that you're gonna get spanked in front of everyone if you cum first is still in effect."

Xania just whimpered helplessly upon hearing that. FUCK! I forgot about that! UGH! I thought things would be fairly normal here tonight. I knew I was gonna play some sexual games, like strip poker, but I've never been this horny playing ANY game before. Hell, this is about as aroused as I've ever felt! And I'm not even getting fucked!

Jesus Christ! Everybody's staring at me. Could I be in a more ridiculous position? I think not! Unless he spanks me, that is! I can't even think about that, because it'll make me cum and then it'll come true! I knew I was gonna get fucked tonight, but it's like I'm getting mentally fucked. I hate it! But it feels SO FUCKING GOOD!

Alan could tell that his fingering was having a big effect on Xania. He wanted to up the ante by using his tongue, but unfortunately he couldn't see how he could bring his head close enough to do that, given that Brenda's head was bobbing in his lap. He might manage, but it would be awkward and difficult.

For the next minute or two, he had a field day fondling Xania's ass cheeks and fingering her pussy and clit, while Brenda kept bobbing up and down his shaft. No words were said, and all the others were happy to just sit and watch (and furtively masturbate).

In fact, it was so quiet that Xania finally paid enough attention through her fog of lust to hear Brenda's loud slurping. Oh, FUCK ME! Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm so far gone getting fondled and fighting the urge to cum that it totally slipped my mind that he's getting his cock sucked at the same time. Talk about being spoiled rotten! Sheesh! I'm centerfold worthy. That's just a fact, since I've had offers from major magazines, not to mention my film career. And Brenda's in the same league, definitely. So what's this kid doing with the likes of us?! And why am I so fucking AROUSED?! And why is the thought of Brenda slurping on his big tool driving me wild?!

Susan pulled her chair closer to Suzanne's so she could whisper privately to her. "What do you think? Isn't this great?! Tiger is taming both of his sexy, ultra-busty guests at the same time!"

Suzanne whispered back, "Yes, it's very impressive. I'm not surprised about Brenda, but for him to get this far with Xania this fast is unexpected."

She meant that, even though she knew Alan had fucked Xania in L.A. She'd expected him to have more sexual fun with Xania tonight, but she hadn't anticipated Xania being willing to pose like that while someone else was sucking him off, and in front of everyone else, no less. She knew that Xania herself had to be surprised at what she was willing to do too.

Susan leaned in closer towards Suzanne and eagerly clutched her upper arm. "It's so exciting! Suzanne, big things are happening here! History is unfolding, right in front of us! Just think if he fully tames them both!"

Suzanne wasn't as thrilled by that idea as Susan was. Hmmm. Sweetie might be getting a little TOO successful here. After all, there's only so much of him to go around. But it'll be okay. We're going to split Brenda's considerable sexual energies with her son Adrian too. And I know Xania. True, she's a sexy bitch in heat, but she's also a loner type, and she's got her own life in L.A. Let her get all excited and visit us a lot. I very much want that. But there's still no way she's going to move here and join us.

Not even Suzanne bothered with the idea of continuing the poker game, at least not yet. The four other women were transfixed by the sight of Brenda bobbing on Alan while he fondled Xania. Suzanne's rule against masturbation was long forgotten, and even Suzanne was playing with herself.

Time passed. Alan did whatever he liked to Xania, and no matter what he did, she loved it. He generally kept one hand fondling her pussy or clit while his other hand reached up and played with her G-cups. But he spent a lot of time exploring elsewhere, usually on her more reachable front side. At one point, he reached a hand all the way up to her face, clumped three fingers together, and slid them into her mouth.

Xania sucked on them like they were an undersized version of his cock. She thought, Fuck me! This has gone so far beyond a dare, especially with Brenda here. Susan, Suzanne, Amy, and Katherine - they're all staring at me! I can't dare to look, but I can feel their eyes on me! They must think I'm a total slut, letting him fuck my face with his hand. But I'm just too hot! My entire body is on FIRE! Just standing here naked in this humiliating pose, with my legs spread wide and my ass cheeks clenched tight... UGH! Too much! I'm gonna cum, and then I'm gonna get spanked, and then they'll all point and laugh, and I'll cum some more! UNH! So much more! I'm gonna cum and cum and cum until I die!

Xania was feeling flustered, to say the least. She could feel a great big orgasm coming, and that scared her, especially since she didn't have permission. She protested between heavy gasping breaths, "I'm... lodging... a... a... formal... UH! Formal... protest... It's no... No... No fair! OOOH! Aaaah! Nooooooo!"

No one was able to find out what her "formal protest" was about though (not even her!), because she started screaming as Alan fingered her through a multiple orgasm. Before long, he had to use both hands to grip her waist and hold her up, since Suzanne wasn't nearby to help with that this time. But even after he stopped frigging her, she kept on cumming and cumming.

Eventually, she slipped down, exhausted. Although her legs had been on either side of Alan's legs, she managed to flop to the floor without trouble. She felt semi-comatose, yet she managed to turn her head and look up at Alan.

The sight of Brenda's lips still sliding steadily on his shaft sent an electric jolt through her body. Fuck me, AGAIN! That's too damn HOT! Doesn't he ever cum?! He's just reduced me to a quivering wreck, and he's still getting blown like it's nothing at all! Jesus fucking Christ!

As she sat there trying hard just to breathe, she had a minor epiphany. You know, Susan is right. It is a whole different perspective seeing this in person. How COULD she resist, even if she is his mother? There's no way! This place is like a sexual hothouse. It feels like it's 120 degrees in here. I must be sweating like a pig, just from being fondled. FUCK!

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